Dream By Patrice – Hi, I had this dream that I was with my best friend from high school and we were lined up at a counter to order our lunch.It was a cafeteria type restaurant. I don’t recognize it in the dream. I was going to order bacon and eggs. This is my favorite breakfast in real life.
Then my grandmother appeared beside me in the line. She had her pink housecoat on. In real life she has passed away. I remember that my pants fell down and I was naked. I felt so embarrassed. I was trying to fix them but it was so difficult in the dream.
Finally I did succeed at getting my pants on. Then my grandmother had an asthma attack and I was going frantically through the purse and found the puffer. When she took it we both felt relief. I don’t understand this dream. I remember it but I don’t understand what it means and why was my grandmother there?
Reply By Sowelu – Hi Patrice! Here we go! Remember, this is MY take according to my view of dreams and symbolism. It may not fit for you, but I offer it with love and a desire to help. Patrice said: “Hi, I had this dream that I was with my best friend from high school and we were lined up at a counter to order our lunch.”
The setting of a dream indicates the part of self being worked on as well as the issue being pointed to, in the dream. The timeframe of the setting can indicate when the issue first occurred, or that we are dealing with the issue/part of self LIKE WE DID at the time of the dream setting. Something about “now” in your life, is just like ”back then”.
Schools in dreams ALSO indicate that we are in a process of learning, which is why so many dreams are set in school settings – elementary school, high school, college, etc.
Being lined up indicates waiting, or being in a state of mind that believes we must “wait our turn” in order to receive what we want or need. This may indicate that you live with a belief that you are less than others, or come second somehow. It may be a symbol to tell you that the issue that exists in your life right now is about your low self-worth.
Counters are often indicators of something being in our way, an obstacle that serves us somehow. Notice the word you chose to describe this obstacle: COUNTER. It is “counter” to your objective/nourishment somehow, and yet it serves you, as well.
This is the essential truth about most of our inner obstacles in life. We have a grand ideal we think we want, yet we put an obstacle in our way to placate a fear we hold about reaching that ideal. So the obstacle “serves” our fear until we are ready to face the fear and remove it.
Consider that this is a dream, and dreams are places where anything goes, and you COULD HAVE dreamt that you were BEHIND the counter, WITH all the things that would nourish you, rather than waiting on a line on the other side of the counter. Do you see?
Lunch is a noontime meal, a nourishing event right in the middle of our daily life. In this way, lunch may indicate something you are looking for to feed you what you need to help you in your daily life right now. But you aren’t readily receiving it, because a belief stands in the way… again, the low self-worth concept, perhaps.
Rather than meet your needs first and foremost, you “wait your turn”, thinking someone else deserves to get theirs first. And you likely have much patience in this regard, too. Thinking, perhaps, that this is a “giving” thing you do. But is that really so? This dream seems to indicate otherwise, already (and I’ve only worked with the first sentence! LOL!)
Patrice said: “It was a cafeteria type restaurant. I don’t recognize it in the dream. ” Cafeteria’s are a particular type of place to get nourishment. They offer many different options, and it’s more of a “self-serve” atmosphere. It’s far more flexible than a restaurant setting, too. This may indicate a message that it’s actually up to you to choose AND to “take” what you need, according to your own sense of things.
There is no one catering to you (as in a waiter or waitress), asking you for your order, no. You must recognize what’s available to you, feel within and decide what you actually desire, ask for it in the moment you recognize it, and THEN it’s given to you. No waiting, either. It’s right there, and handed over without ado. As you say yourself, you don’t recognize this. It seems strange and not familiar to you.
Patrice said: “I was going to order bacon and eggs. This is my favorite breakfast in real life.” What you decide you want is your favorite. It’s the nourishment you prefer at your dawning, or what you desire as you awaken (many are beginning to awaken to new truths in life at this time.
A new perspective on what life is really about, and why they’re here. As this happens to you in YOUR life, you feel a natural preference that you want to go for, but something blocks you from grasping for it).
The comment that this is your favorite “in real life” is a recognition in you that you WANT what you truly desire and prefer in life. You truly do wish to “order it” for yourself. But, as we soon see, there are problems that get in your way of achieving your life preference as you being to awaken and learn to help yourself in your daily life.
Patrice said: “Then my grandmother appeared beside me in the line. She had her pink housecoat on. In real life she has passed away. I remember that my pants fell down and I was naked. I felt so embarrassed. I was trying to fix them but it was so difficult in the dream”.
It seems that what prevents you from achieving your true heart’s desires in life is an old set of values and social mores that you were raised with, perhaps, or at least that are exemplified by your Grandmother (see above regarding self-worth and being ”second”, waiting for your turn, etc.).
And perhaps the reason for this is indicated by her dress. Pink is the color of love, the heart. The sense I get here is that you love your Grandmother, love who she was and how she was in the world, and wanted to be like her, perhaps.
Perhaps you saw her as “love incarnate” as I did my own grandmother . This thing that you prefer in life, your true heart’s desire, seems to you to go against all that your grandmother would do, be or want for you. Perhaps.
Yet even you recognize a truth about this, that you maybe haven’t consciously integrated yet: Your grandmother has “passed away”. Symbolically, this is saying that what she stood for, how she was in the world, is a set of behaviors and a perspective on life that has “passed away”. And so has your need to live according to any of that. It had it’s time on earth and in your life, but that time is not now. It’s in the past.
But we see another issue that is linked to what your grandmother represents, too. Because of what you absorbed from her, perhaps, you feel naked, exposed and even embarrassed about your heart’s desire. Attempting to go for what you want in life seems like such a hurdle because you’re weighted down by not just the way your grandmother would have done things, but how you feel about yourself in the face of that “way”, as a result.
Your pants, specifically, may be a reference to your sexuality. At least the lower 3 chakras of the body. If you don’t know about the chakras, I’ll give you a brief intro to them (if you do, here’s a refresher ).
The chakras are unseen energy centers that correspond to our bodies, existing along the central meridian or our spine, essentially. The energy in each center, whether “mucked up” or flowing freely, pertains to how we live our lives. How we exchange energy with the world, and whether or not we have inner conflicts in our energies that manifest as conflicts in the outer world and in relationships we find ourselves in.
They essentially go as follows: The First, or “root” chakra (located at the base of the spine), has to do with “tribal issues” that tie us to certain ways of being in the world. What we’re “members of”, associated with, defined as, etc. Like… religion, community status (right and wrong side of the tracks kinda thing), ancestry or genetic lineage, and other base or root assumptions about what life is and how it’s “supposed” to believed by men and women. The roles we’re supposed to fit into, according to this list of rules defined by all that I just mentioned.
The Second chakra has to do with our relationship to this world. How we relate to material possessions, money, power, other people of either gender. This includes our sexuality, as well as our ideas about gender, once again.
The Third Chakra, or “Solar Plexus” chakra, has to do with our Self. Issues of self-honor, self-integrity, self-esteem, our sense of self-worth and deservedness, fears for our survival, things like that.
All of this is what gets exposed and causes you to feel vulnerable when you even think about going for your favorite” in life. And so you try to “fix” this feeling of embarrassment and exposure, but it proves quite difficult. HOW you actually go about attempting to fix it as it translates in your daily life is likely that you “cover it up”. You wear a layer of falseness, for protection, that keeps things under wraps and helps you nicely avoid facing your fears of exposure.
Patrice said: “Finally I did succeed at getting my pants on. Then my grandmother had an asthma attack and I was going frantically through the purse and found the puffer. When she took it we both felt relief. I don’t understand this dream. I remember it but I don’t understand what it means and why was my grandmother there?”
As soon as you put your pants back on, or “cover up” this truth you don’t want exposed, it causes an asthma attack in the part of you symbolized by your grandmother. The feeling I have here is that you have a misunderstanding of what love actually is, and self-love in particular, so that when you act according to this misguided idea you hold of how to love those in your life, and yourself, you actually cause a choking off of life force.
Whatever you protect and hide from about your true self and heart’s desire WANTS exposure, and continuing to keep it in the hidden realms is causing actual physical breathing problems. (Do you suffer from asthma yourself?) And the ”answer” to this health problem, thus far, has been to use medicine to “make it all better and find relief”. Going to the outer to mask, rather than heal, the inner.
While I’m not saying you don’t need medication if indeed you experience asthma, I AM saying that your dream is pointing to another solution, as well. BE YOURSELF in a true way and your “grandmother”, this part of you that is actually all about love (and not about the faulty kind of love you’ve been assuming or thinking all along), will no longer suffer.
That’s my take, I sure hope it helps! Take what fits, toss the rest! Blessings to you in discovering the life meaning in your dream messages!
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