Dream By Jeri – Hi everyone, I have a question about dreams…. do similar dreams forcast the same outcome?… That is do they mean the same thing? For Example…. I had a dream about having a breast augmentation, and ended up with a hole in my side where the stitching wasnt in tact and clear liquid pouring out of it.
Then I had a dream that I had a scar on my tummy that was horribly infected and icky stuff oozing from it. Would this basically mean the same thing? or is it a whole different ballgame because its a different part of the body? Thanks..
Reply By Sowelu – Hi Jeri! In my view, these dreams DO have a similar message. This may not always be the case with certain repeating symbols, but in this case you cite, I’d say the message is at least similar, if not the same.
What I see is that you still “suffer the emotional pain” of traumas or wounds caused from circumstances in the past. Though you may move on from the situations and circumstances that create the pain, it seems you haven’t yet fully released the people or events themselves, so that somehow you’re still “hurting”, and it causes a leak of your life force that’s unnecessary.
My sense is that what’s needed is for you to “round out the lesson”. In other words, bring the awareness of how the painful circumstances got created “back home” to the self. This movement metaphor is meant to point toward harmony and wholeness, balance and completion.
We send our life force outward to create relationships and situations in our lives from which to learn. When the situation occurs, and pain is felt… it doesn’t end there. And simply removing ourselves from those circumstances, while usually a wise thing to do, also isn’t the end of it. The true learning is yet to occur. When it does, you could say that you’ve “brought the lesson home”.
When we truly understand the cause within us that set us up for the pain we experienced in a given circumstance, it produces an unmistakably joyful sense of “Aha”. We finally understand, we feel compassion for ourself and all those involved in the wounding event, and we typically feel gratitude for the others in the event who helped make it possible, because through them we learned something of incredible value on our journey through life.
If this has not yet occurred, it is usually because the root cause of the painful circumstance has not yet been identified within the self. We haven’t yet seen the true lesson. Those who act as our villains in life are usually mirroring parts of ourself we keep hidden, deny, or simply are not aware lie within us, motivating our thoughts and behaviors. These villains show up and, if we’re up to it, “teach us” about ourselves by play-acting the role of our hidden part.
For them it’s a real thing, of course, but for us, it’s a tool we can use to learn about ourself. When we no longer have hidden parts that are self-negating, we will no longer attract villains to display “anti-self” behaviors and attitudes to us.
In the first dream you mentioned, it seems you may have attempted compassion (breast augmentation), but it went awry. When we “fake” compassion, it actually causes more harm than good, and this is because it’s false. You could say it’s an act of violence against the self. There is no shame in truly being honest with the self and revealing the truth of our feelings and thoughts.
But we will often attempt to avoid this step by extending compassion to the other person(s) involved in a painful circumstance in our lives before we truly understand how or why we called them into our lives to show us what they did. As a result, we will often end up recreating a very similar circumstance to teach us this lesson again… and again and again, until we finally are able to be fully honest and reveal all there is to what we thought, felt and feared that was our part in creating those circumstances.
The second dream you mention seems to be pointing to your emotional barometer in self. A sort of telltale for you that’s saying, “Guess what? You didn’t fully clear it yet. There’s still work to do on that one. Hurry up, it’s beginning to fester.” That’s my view, take what fits, toss the rest. Blessings to you in discovering the life meaning in your dream messages.
Namasté, Sowelu
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