
Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Dead Sister

Dream By Lucidamy – Does anyone know anything about after death contact? meaning when you speak with loved ones in your dreams that are deceased. I speak and see my sister quite often.

She is the first. Recently it has been Zac. These are the only two that it has been with. This has not been happening with me for a very long time. Only the last three years and mostly with my sister. My sister is not by blood. I was adopted so in reality she would have been my cousin being as I was Adopted by my aunt. I hope that makes sense!

Anyway, at first when I started dreaming of her I always asked her “where have you been? I thought you were dead. I have missed you. Is this real?  Now it is to the point where I know that I am dreaming. Now I ask her questions and actually reach out to touch her because I miss her.

One problem I do have is that I remember the encouters with her very well but her words I cannnot recall. It is very frustrating as I respect her so very much. She always loved me no matter what and most important of all to me she had a zeal for God that was incredible.  Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Lucidamy

Reply By Sowelu – Hiya Lucidamy! I’d love to help, but I’m not really sure what it is you’re asking, unfortunately. I’ll offer what comes to me as a result of reading your post, you decide if it has any validity for you.

In my understanding of life and Spirit, it is certainly possible (and quite likely when we’re open to it) for us to have contact with those who have shed their physical form. Energy never truly dies, it merely changes.

And our dreams are a perfect venue for contact because we are in a state of consciousness where we are far less tied to the beliefs, limitations and assumptions that bind us to the reality of our human-focused daily lives.
But I cannot say if you are indeed meeting with your sister, if this is what you want to know. That would have to be something you discover on your own. The beauty of life is that it is really an interpretive and subjective experience. Truth lies in our hearts, and it’s up to us to tap it.

I can add that it’s been my experience that if we yearn for something positive, but the yearning stems from a place of fear or doubt, we can create a false realization of our positive intent. I don’t know if this is what’s occuring for you, either, however. I can simply express that in my own experience, it’s a possibility to consider.

There is also the possibility that what you’re experiencing in your dreams is a wiser aspect of yourself, to which your psyche attaches your sister’s image, simply because that wisdom and deep love is something you can more comfortably accept coming from her, rather than from yourself.

Not recalling the words spoken by your sister is, in my estimation, the conflict at hand in these dreams. The implication is that messages from this point of reference (your sister, or a higher aspect of yourself, or whatever this symbolic image is) are still not digestable to your conscious mind, for some reason.

If this were happening to me, I would seek to know if I carry assumptions, beliefs or fears that prevent me from receiving information openly in my daily life. If so, this would translate to my dreaming self, to a degree at least. If I refuse to consider opinions that go against my beliefs, this would be an example of not being able to receive openly.

Beliefs are a limitation, as difficult as that is for many to accept. Inherent in the concept of belief is the idea that the object (whatever is “believed”) is “unknowable”. This keeps it always outside one’s ability to truly grasp and hold as truth in one’s heart.

There is also quite often an investment of hope attached to beliefs. Hope inherently carries fear at its base. We hope for something because we fear the alternative(s). We don’t like or want the alternative(s). These investments of our conscious mind and emotional self act as blocks to discovering anything that negates them or lives outside the limitations they set.

If I discovered that I carried these prejudices that prevented me from receiving information openly, I would work to face the fears and clear them, and release the beliefs that held me to limitation. As a result, I just might begin to hear my sister in my dreams. If not, I would then examine the dream scenarios more closely in search of other clues to the meaning behind them. Chronology, clothing, setting, etc. These symbols are often quite telling, and often easily missed.

As you can see, the possibilities are many. If you are still wanting some answer to a specific question that I haven’t covered, by all means ask away.  Bear in mind, however, that what you receive from me is what I’ve learned based on my own experiences and may not be an ultimate truth, and may not be “right” for you. The path of discovery is the point to life, and we each walk ours in our own unique way.

Namasté, Sowelu

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