
Tuesday, 7 December 2010


Dream By TK – We all get those dreams about falling, right? Why exactly do we jump and find ourselves wondering what happened?  today I heard that if you fall all the way to the bottom you’re dead, true or not true? And what does it mean if you are dead in your dream? T.K.

Reply By Sowelu - heh heh… HI!  Well, I don’t know that you’ll get any definitive answers to these questions, because it’s all subjective and conjecture until the fat lady sings, so to speak… but I’ll offer my view, and perhaps others will as well.

Being Spirits who have invested in physical human form for the experience it provides, we also leave our bodies from time to time, exploring without the confines and limitations that are inherent to physicality, so to speak.

Falling dreams may well be the experience of re-entry to the form. The astral body or ethereal form or whatever one prefers to call it, has left for nightly excursion, and upon return, the consciousness also returns and sometimes awakens before the body is fully re-seated. Thus, memory of falling, with a sense of jolt that awakens, and the question “What  just happened?”.

That’s just one theory, of course. And no, it’s not my experience that a death in a dream equates to a physical death at all. In fact, quite the opposite. Death in dreams is often symbolic of letting go of parts of self that are no longer needed, that were literally weighing the person down in their path of aspiring to happiness and freedom in life.

So a death in a dream is akin to a literal energetic lightening up and freeing oneself of “dead weight” that served to frustrate the person in daily life, and likely causes conflicts and difficulties. In other words, it’s a GOOD thing!

Also in my experience, the portends of a physical death in daily life is symbolically represented in many OTHER ways in dreams, but not by using dream imagery that shows an actual death, usually.

In other words… symbols are typically representing a concept and are not literal. Therefore, when attempting to represent death in a dream, the symbols might be altogether different. And since physical death is merely a transition from a limited state of existence into a more expansive one for the soul/spirit, the symbol for death in dreams might be quite surprising… perhaps even something like being popped out of a cannon, taking off a tight and uncomfortable pair of shoes, etc.

That’s not saying that anyone who has had those symbols in their dreams are being told they’re about to die, btw, so don’t anyone go nuts reading that above.  The context of the dream where symbols such as those mentioned above appear would be incredibly important to the interpretation. Just some thoughts… did I confuse you?  Blessings to you in discovering the life meaning in your dream messages!

Namasté, Sowelu

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