
Tuesday, 7 December 2010


Post By Katie – I am such a hateful person the past few years. I am not like this by nature. However, I spend a lot of time by myself. I feel hate towards almost everyone I meet and I have had visions of killing myself or hurting others. People who I have met but do not know me very well, say in these visions..crying..usually..why didn’t you come to me first?

The others, people who supposedly “care about me” show no emotion. I have had this hateful outlook towards the world for awhile now although I do try consistantly to improve myself through breathing, eating right,sleeping,exercising sometimes, taking care of my appearances…however, I cant’ seem to make myself be nice. I constantly HATE.

I guess my question for this board is why if dreams are so helpful from GoD or whatever?!?) Why havent’ I received any help? I am on the verge and nothing is there for me. My Dreams are chaotic and sexual, but more often chaotic and no messages are clear or even close to helpful. Any suggestions? What I should do to help myself. Thanks.

Reply By Dream Patient – Hi, Katie the tone of your words suggests that the emotion of hatred is keeping you from your life. It would be great to read a dream if you ever wanted to share what they look like. Or have you already?

If a child is prevented by adults from breathing or walking or talking or playing according to its nature, this child is being attacked. The child will experience these confinements as attacks on her. As torture, as imprisonment, as being maimed or hurt.

In the child’s dreams she will be chased and hurt and thrown into prison, chased by wild dogs, swallowed up by monster cats and many other terrifying images. She will feel all the terror in her dreams that she may not have felt safe enough to feel in real life when the ‘attacks’ were happening. How can a child let herself feel those things with her beloved parents?

Unfortunately, the bonds we make as infants with our parents, depend on building safe emotional places and conscious positive attatchments, not fears and terrors and danger. In real life, this child will feel incredible anger, probably unconsciously, every time she is prevented from being her natural self.

The trouble is that anger is also usually forbidden the child. So not only can she not respond with her own nature, but now she cannot show that her nature gets angry when it can’t respond. If she can’t get angry, she will eventually hate. That hating is the only action left to her if she still wants to have any emotions at all, She turns that anger outward to hate. She pours out the huge waterfall of hate that is inside onto people out there.

The sad thing is that sometimes the people we end up hating are not the people who originally caused the damage and occasions for anger, the parents. So often we still feel love for them and the hate goes onto other people, often our peers. It was too dangerous for the child to hate its father or uncle or mother or big sister. So she hates others instead. Until she is an adult herself and can let herself experience some of those terrifying emotions.

Your dreams and your emotions all come from the same nature. The hate in you that you don’t want IS your help. Your nightmares are your own helpers. Or god’s helpers. In them will be clues to who is hurting whom and what your own life is already doing to help. This hate of yours is your true life’s sign that something is right now forbidden inside you that you can’t live with. If there was no hate there would be no self discovery. The dreams will show the hate and the fear and the anger as long as it is there.

This is your truth. Noone ever said truth was pretty or nice or clean and polite. If they did they lied. Your emotions are signs of life and will keep you alive. The state of not feeling, of loosing one’s feelings and going cold (which can happen) is a terrible danger for a person, not a help.

Part of our nature seems to include the option to choose to understand and to take hold of our wills and power so that we will open our eyes to the destruction we are capable of. So that we will choose to not hurt others as we were once hurt. But to do so we need to know ourselves deeply and honestly. This is truth. Perhaps the only truth. But we have to find our truth. Not the wish, the fairy tale, the nice story. The truth.

Good luck. Dream Patient

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