
Friday, 17 December 2010

Spiders & Paralysis

Dream By Nicole - Hi I keep having these strange dreams about spiders and being paralysed. With the spiders there will either be thousands of tiny spiders or one really big one crawling towards me to attack me. I have no idea why I keep dreaming about them, i’m not very afraid of them in reality…

I also have dreams that i’m paralysed. I don’t even know if they really are dreams. I don’t understand them. They are sooo scary, and they’re hard to explain. it’s like in my dream i’ll wake up but I can’t move, like i’m being forced to not move. The only thing I can do is kind of look around without moving my head. I can see the things in my room, and they all look just as if they would if I were awake, even my alarm clock will have the right time.

When i’m in this state sometimes I’ll feel myself falling off my bed but I never actually hit the floor. or sometimes I’ll try to move my hand and touch my face, but when I move my hand to my face I can’t see it, and if I look down my arm is really still laying on the bed, even though I can feel my hand on my face. it’s terrifying! I’ll try to scream but nothing happens because I have no voice. Tut i’m always so scared to do anything because I can feel the presence of someone else with me.

The thing about this that makes me wonder is that the way it starts it seems like a dream but I never remember waking up from it…it’ s more like I just come back to reality.

Reply By Sowelu -  Well… I just came out of one of those experiences myself about a half hour ago, so I know what you’re talking about. For me, I yelled “NO!” at the top of my “mind” and even got my voice to squeek some. I wasn’t afraid, but I WAS pretty pissed!! This is MY body, and no one touches it – I don’t care who they are or how they approach me – unless I consciously say so. And I didn’t consciously give anyone permission to mess with me tonight, so I used my will to put a stop to the paralysis that was starting. I got my physical arms to move, opened my physical eyes, and put a stop to it.

First time I opened my eyes I saw letters and numbers all jumbled and transparent-like in the air, which I could see THROUGH and see my room. My first thought was that I was seeing through the matrix… as though I was between realities or something.

Anyway, I noticed in the dreams posted that you aren’t alone in this phenomenon (I just noticed that earlier today, in fact), and now I’ve experienced it myself. Whatever the hell is going on, it’s not nice, is my opinion. Find your will and say no. A boundary violation is a boundary violation, regardless of WHO performs it!
Namasté, Sowelu

Reply By Nicole – thank you so much! I really appreciate you replying to my message. but I don’t mean I feel like someone is trying to take over my body, I mean I can just feel the presence of someone else in the room, making the whole room cursed or something except for where I am…and it’s like trying to tell me something but I just keep thinking I DON’T WANT TO KNOW and eventually the feeling just goes away…

But thinking about it afterwards I realize that I do want to know what’s going on, but when it happens i’m just too scared to do anything about it…and what do you think of the spiders dreams?? I dream about them almost every night, i’m very concerned about that too…

Reply By Sowelu - Well, I’m no expert on any of this, but it isn’t the first time it happened to me, I can say that. It IS the first time I was not afraid and had the conscious ability to know that I refuse to be at the whim of anything I don’t choose to be.

Fear of the situation is part of the problem. There are many things that exist in this reality that we close our minds and eyes to. I don’t. So, I have no fear of aliens or spirit entities or any of that. Yeah, all of that exists. So what. I’m still the boss of me in ANY state of consciousness and that’s that.

I also understand that what happens to me in my life can ONLY happen because at some level I agree to it. Fearing… allowing fear to have more power over us when faced with anything, is how we agree. We are giving away our power to that something. It’s agreeing to be at the mercy of that something. Tonight, I chose to no longer do that.

Spiders… they have a symbolic significance that’s ancient. This world is an illusion that’s like a web of perception. All the strands in the web are put there by us. What we choose to invest our energy in forms the web of illusion around us.

Spiders as a symbol point us to this idea about our lives. They symbolize the concept that we weave the web of our lives by the choices we make in every moment. Our past, present and future are all interlinked, and every moment is an opportunity to determine who we are by the choices we make.

Our thoughts, beliefs, fears, etc. are our “investments”. If we choose to believe a lie because the truth is “too scary”, we’ve just weaved the web a little tighter around us, restricting our freedom to BE in every moment. If we choose to fear over finding our will and claiming our sovereignty, we’ve done it again.

I saw a very large spider-being in this episode tonight. The feeling the whole thing had was that I was making a profound choice through timelines and changing something that’s been going on way longer than just this life, for my soul. There’s something called “waking up” that’s going on all over the world these days… and what we’re waking up to is the reality we live in. It’s not what it appears to be on the surface. Feeling fear in the face of all that we awaken to keeps us controlled by it all. If something more comes to me, I’ll post it.

Namasté, Sowelu

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