
Thursday, 23 May 2013

Hiding a Murder

Dream By Amanda - I dreamed that I was trying to hide a murder: Two nights in a row I had similar dreams. The first was that I had murdered someone I didn't see the actual murder but I was trying to think of how to hide the body. An old friend  (from elementary school that I had not seen in several years)  and I decided to bury the body.

We cut it into small pieces and buried it. I didn't know who the person was. Then it fast forwarded to present and I remember feeling an overwhelming sense of panic and dread when I realized that people were asking questions and looking for the killer of the body that was found. In my dream I was scared because I thought I had gotten away with it and had told myself not to think about it anymore.

The second one was that I was in an apartment building that was not mine and I was cutting up a dead body and boiling it and then putting the pieces into a garbage bag with other garbage to hide it and taking it downstairs to the dumpster. I remember feeling butterflies in my stomach in both dreams. It was so weird. If anyone has any ideas about this id like to know. It was so real that I couldn't stop thinking that maybe I HAD killed someone and had covered it up and blocked it out of my mind.

Reply By Sowelu - (((Hiya!))) Killing something off within ourselves... will often be symbolically referenced in a dream as a "murder". What's killed off is a part of self, often a part reflected to us through other people. If the person is unknown you likely do not realize that what that person represents lives inside your own heart and being, albeit deeply or hidden. Perhaps you've "condemned" a way of life or behavior without truly understanding it from the inside... thereby killing off a part of your own greater being.

Choosing to lie is a form of killing the self. Self-deception creates a great many emotional issues. Unfortunately, most of us choose to deceive ourselves at a very young age (without realizing it, often by adopting beliefs from those around us without using discernment... often because we can't yet), and end up paying for it all our lives. We lose our center and find ourselves struggling to "get through life intact", in constant defense of beliefs we never truly examined or know if we align with truly, protecting ourselves from fears... all done rather than thrilling and thriving in our lives as we are meant to.

We're not free to be so alive. We've killed ourselves off in parts and pieces over time. Now we're often too busy "covering our tracks", forcing ourselves to remember to dot every "i" and cross every "t" and overall stressing ourselves over every detail in life... because we can feel this certain sensation within us that we have been remiss somewhere... somehow.

It seems to me that this dream is revealing that you have done something out of character for you, perhaps even "against your nature"... something you would not normally choose to do, and you are trying to minimize it or deny it or hide from the impact it's had on you... but are unsuccessful. It is as shameful, guilt-producing, self-recrimination producing, and confusing for you as it would be if you had actually committed murder.

Clearly... you can't let this go without reviewing your choice and facing the music within yourself. Better to face it and cry it up and out, if needed, then let it continue to plague you and warp your sense of life and self. The time frame when you had the dreams may well point to when you made this choice akin to murder in your life...

Hope this helps!

Blessings to you!


  1. Replies
    1. I have regrettingly had an abortion about a year and half ago. I woke up during the procedure screaming and crying because I went to sleep not knowing what I wanted to do. I woke up a crying mess for months

  2. Hi, your dream sounds very demonic. Okay I had a dream about my mom being a serial killer,I could barely see in this room she was cutting someone up . You need strong people who have the holy spirit around you.This is warfare.

    1. Not necessarily demonic. I had a drean that someone I didn't know died and a friend and I covered it up by making it look like an accident. We made the situation worse instead of just reporting the deathm i relaized i was not being true to kyself and ambitions and my subconscious was trying to twll me this. I had killed off my true self in my career choice by compromise. The results were emerging. Rhe job wasnt good for me and I felt trapped and my mind was trying to tell me.

    2. Ive had a dream or nightmare where i killed a man...i never seen his face but i sensed that i knew him. I hid his body in a like sewer or water drain. Then put leaves & branches over it. Days went by( in my dream) where i was constantly on edge & afraid of getting caught. Finally i convinced myself that it never happened; it was just a bad dream. Until again... I find myself dragging a body to hide it. I took it to the same spot & realized that i already had a body hidden there. Now there was two! I woke up wondering if this really happened. It was so real. The feeling of constantly being on edge & looking over my shoulder was so real.

    3. I know that feeling. I had a similar dream twice. Different dream, different people" I killed", never seen the killing it was always the agony of hiding the body, the fear of being discovered, the pure terror of realizing what I've done. Each time I woke up with my heart pounding, wondering whether it was real, only I forgotten it somehow, and now its comming back to hunt me. The other possibility I considered was whether I did that in one of my previous lives( if reincarnation is real) Regardless, it's an awful feeling that stayed with me for days.

    4. It's funny, I found this post when trying to explain these two strange dreams I had, and if I had to describe them I'd use the same words as you. Each time, I kill someone, I don't remember the killing, actually I don't think it really matters, what was at the centre of the dream was this fear of being discovered. What surprises me the most is that in contrast I wasn't scared by what I had done, I think I never really realized it, maybe I was denying it because I didn't even think it was possible. But I knew what would have been the consequences for me. I was released when I woke up and realised It was just a dream. I don't want to allow myself to believe it comes from what I've done in another life, it'd seem to me I'm denying it a second time. It's a challenging moment in my life right now, I'm trying to make some changes, in particular free myself from the judgment of others. I like to believe that I killed this weak part of me and the look of others is still haunting me. I know it is a long process and it is hard to change the way you're used to think. But I think that dreams can guide us and that we can choose the interpretation that will help us the best. I hope you found an explanation that satisfies you and you got ride of the awful feeling

    5. My dreams are so similar and I have them every few months. I'm responsible for killing someone a long time ago (nothing about how I did it) and two overwhelming feelings - the first being internal shock that I would actually take a life, and second an overwhelming fear of being found out after much time had passed.
      Like others, I honestly questioned whether I had done this when first waking up.

    6. I’ve had this type of dream at least once a year for the last couple years I’m glad to know I’m not the only one. It always leaves me doubting myself and upon waking I remind myself it’s not true and only a dream but it’s very disturbing.

  3. Hi Heidi Thanks for commenting. If you also read the reply and response to this dream it goes into the subconscious landscape of the dream and highlights some of the reasons why you might have had such a dream as this. All the best :)

  4. OMG I'm going through the same thing. I been having nightmares of covering up someone I killed many times. I thought maybe I felt guilty about something I did and that was the cause.

    1. Wow!!!!! Me too! What does this all mean? We have killed part of ourselves that was dying inside us???

    2. I've had two of these dreams recently. Both slightly different. The first time I murdered two women I think I know, and hid their bodies and thought I was okay abd no one would ever find out. And they started investigating and fingerprinting and stuff. The second time I dreamt this was last night and it was two men I murdered and the bodies were found and as was the murder weapon. Both of them felt real, but the first one I woke up in utter fear, questioning whether or not it really happened. I even prayed asking to be forgiven.

  5. I had a dream.last night that me and a friend accidentalky killed a young boy. So in a oanic we set the house on fire to cover it up. Afterwards i had to endure the reality of what i had done. Seeing it on the news....hearing people next to me talking about it. Even driving past the house the next day and seeing a vigil. The dream was so real and soooo long. I couldnt wake up. I watched as they slowly pieces thenmurder together...waiting for my own demise.

    1. I just had a very similar dream myself well more of a nightmare.

  6. I had a dream I was at a friends house when my friend and I somehow accidentally killed one of the people there. We panicked and wrapped him up in garbage bags and hid him near lots of big logs for fired wood. The following night, I returned back to the same scenario only to see the body had been moved to a more open spot near the garbage. I then realized someone had to move him which means someone saw/knows I did it. This morning was my third dream. In which his body was still "hidden" at the house of the murder. This time I realized things were getting serious. I began going through my phone and deleting pictures from that night and anything with the house or yard in it. I've had dreams that continue before.. But not like this. Idk what it means, hopefully this place can help me.

  7. I had a dream I was at a friends house when my friend and I somehow accidentally killed one of the people there. We panicked and wrapped him up in garbage bags and hid him near lots of big logs for fired wood. The following night, I returned back to the same scenario only to see the body had been moved to a more open spot near the garbage. I then realized someone had to move him which means someone saw/knows I did it. This morning was my third dream. In which his body was still "hidden" at the house of the murder. This time I realized things were getting serious. I began going through my phone and deleting pictures from that night and anything with the house or yard in it. I've had dreams that continue before.. But not like this. Idk what it means, hopefully this place can help me.

  8. I had similar dreams twice.
    One was that I had killed a woman. I didn't actually see the murder, but I knew that I did it. I heard and saw police officers arriving. So, I quickly hid the body in the trunk of a nearby car. I stood there (with no blood on me, mind you) while the officers l looked around. I was terrified, but they never found her.

    The second:
    I was back on the land/area where I grew up. There was a storade building that we had for many years. I walked into the building. I made sure no one had followed me. I moved a concrete slab to reveal an underground layer. It was maybe 24 inches deep. I reached under the building and pulled out some containers (like pottery with lids). I was holding on to these jars as if it was a memorial...a remembrance.
    I knew that I had cut a child into pieces and put the pieces into the jars.

    Actually, right now I'm remembering one other that I had. I had killed a man and hid his body in my bedroom floor. I was scared for so long (in the dream) that my mother was going to find it. We would be moving, and I would make sure that I hid his body somewhere else before we moved.

    These dreams seemed so real that I was ready to call the police and then myself in.

    I was in a very bad emotional place because I was going through Exposure Therapy for PTSD. I told my therapist about the dreams. She said that I had worked hard, since my childhood, to hide my abuse (physical, sexual, emotional). They were all parts of me. Since I was going through such deep therapy concerning the trauma, my mind was seeing it as a threat; that it wouldn't be able to hide the secret traumas anymore. So my subconscious was seeing the Exposure Therapy as a danger to my mental health; therefore was trying to hide/bury those parts of me.

    Our minds are incredible creations. God gave them ways of hiding memories that are too traumatic. So, I think that when we threaten to dig those memories up, our minds try to work them out through dreams.

  9. I thought I was the only one having this reoccurring nightmare. I thought there must be something wrong with me! In the dreams I know I killed someone and keep trying to hide the dead body in different places. The terror of being found out is so real that I wake up with my heart racing.

  10. I had the same exact dream, that I cut the body into pieces and tried to hide the black garbage bag.
    Today i woke up to another dream to continue the first....felt so real.that I woke up thankful It wasn't ....

  11. I've had this dream the last two nights. The first night I dreamt I met a woman on a train and we ended up becoming travel buddies. Some how we argued and I ended up killing her. I couldn't remember what I did with her body though... I thought I had disposed of it well, maybe I even blacked out. I woke up and sheer Panic thinking I had actually killed somebody. Then last night I had a follow-up dream where her mother knew we were traveling together so she came looking for her daughter and kept asking questions and I kept on making up lie after lie after lie to try to cover my tracks. Eventually she found footage from the Train and it led to a bathtub that I guess I had left her in some hotel... The dream ends with her mother asking me why I killed her daughter? This dream is creeping me out!!

  12. I just had a dream that i was in the house i just moved from but that i didnt want to go inside knowing there was a dead body inside, it was the body of a young white woman and then me an unknown man and some other woman were trying to hide the body but that other unknown woman in my dream had carried the body to the trunk of the car the unknown man was driving ... We eventually left the other woman at the house bcuz we needed to hurry up and hide the body... After that my dream switched to me and my husband trying to hide the body in an ally behind a police station, we put the body in the drivers side of our truck with a red rose but i remember feeling a sense of dread and guilt for committing the crime even though i didnt actually do it, i also remember thinking about everything we were going to lose once we would get caught and i knew for a fact we would get caught!!

  13. I had a nightmare that I was in a garage with a man I didn't know. there was a big storm out. We were sent a severed human arm to try to get rid of. We cut off his fingers and tried to make his arm look less like an arm. I was sewing together small pieces of body parts together to form a circle and trying to Pierce my own tounge at the same time. Then a mother and her kid came up to the garage while I was trying to close the garage door. It was beggers night, the day before Halloween and he wanted candy so we gave it to him but the kid would not leave then I woke up. Scariest dream I had in a while, didn't go back to sleep after that.

  14. I dreamt I killed a stranger cut up the body parts, wrapped them in foil and clear wrap and put them in the wall. It was some sort of camp or village and I had begun to make friends with everyone. They were so lovely and I felt so bad that they would soon find out I killed one of them. The police came and started doing digs and then found the packages in the wall and threw them on the street. That feeling of dread was so real and such a long dream too like a movie.
    I had sent silly messages to my ex the night before so it must be the killing off of a relationship.

    Also seems like all of our stories would make some good horror movies! Or maybe in a parallel universe we are all serial killers...

  15. I have this dream about twice a month it’s terrifying. I read it’s got something to do with letting go of your past.

  16. i had same kind of dream and keep coming back maybe i am a freak i guess

    1. what is weird i am hiding it in the same spot... but this time people said i know what you done....

    2. but they said they cant prove it

  17. Wow. This is amazing. Thank you for posting this. Injust had the most awful dream and thought something was wrong with me. I was helping someone cover up a murder of two of my best friends. And their wives and gfs were on my trail in figuring it out. Lied to their face. But somehow there was good reason to protect the murderer. I was called out and fleed in shame.

  18. Hi. I also had that kind of dream just last night where I killed someone by stabbing the person's gut (I think. I actually can't remember. There were people with me, I think 2, when it happened in my dream but I couldn't remember their faces). But what really scared me was that heavy feeling of guilt and fear the moment I woke up. I was kind of in shock and was panicking 'cause the dream felt so real. It was so terrifying, I felt like I lost all my strength to get up from my bed. I was thinking, "this can't be real", "I'm not a murderer", "how did this happen" and most definitely "I'm going to jail for this". Has anyone here ever experienced that after waking up from this kind of dream? I still can't believe I'm capable of dreaming something as horrifying as that and what's worse is the part where you wake up and start to question things.

    1. I'm slightly freaking out right now. I had the same dream on the same day as you. I also woke up with an overwhelming amount of guilt and fear and anxiety. That is too crazy..

  19. That is so weird to me. I had a very similar dream in which I had killed somebody and hid them under the bath tub and in order to dispose of the evidence, I ate the dead body. And it was even weirder because I was in my parents house. I was taking a bath and while I was in the tub I would take out the body and eat it. Then when I was finished, there was an additional body there that I had not recognized. I felt the same butterflies and that same extremely overwhelming feeling of guilt. It felt so real and when I woke up, I still had all of those negative feelings and thought it was real.

    1. Ew, that's so gross. God bless you.

  20. I have a very similar reoccurring nightmare. Ive killed someone and I've hidden the body on a remote wooded property (I never dream about this part, it's always already happened) my dream is always about the police being close to catching me. The dream is so panic inducing I always wake up terrified and there's about 5 minutes where I honestly wonder if it's actually real.

    1. This is me too! It’s the feeling of knowing you’re
      close to being found out and trying to avoid it

    2. I allways have this exact dream

  21. I as well have had the dream of killing someone getting rid of the body and being questioned by police . This dream I've had thru out my life . This is the first time I've looked it up . It makes sense with all the abuse I've suffered in my life

  22. Last night I dreamed of witnessing a murder (the killer was my teacher) and the next thing I know I was the one executing it. I remember draining the body until bones were left and I could smell the stench, like when you dissect a frog in biology class. It felt so realistic. After that, I was put in a spot where I felt that I needed to hide the bloody "bones" so I hurriedly put them in garbage bags before the police could arrive. Remembering it still made me feel sick. Then my relatives came over telling me that a relative of ours went missing. I immediately knew that the "victim" I "supposedly" killed was that relative. I was panicking as the police started to interrogate everyone but I kept telling myself I can handle it. Then out of nowhere, to my relief, we got a tip that my relative was actually pretty sick and bedridden at the time before she was reported missing. The police concluded my relative had died and somebody just disposed of the body, putting the blame on whoever was nursing her. I went into thinking that I will carry that secret to the grave. This is when I started to wake up. I never felt so guilty my whole life! I wanted to cry so much, I don't know why I would dream such a horrible thing. I have nothing against my teacher nor my relative and I dreaded going to school today because I had a lecture with the said teacher. English isn't my first language so I apologize if I explained it poorly.

  23. I had a nightmare the night before last. I remember there was a body in a car I was trying to hide. I was scared but woke up after blood got on the floor board. I was thankful it was only a bad dream. Four or five years ago I had a dream that I had hidden a dead body and I was worried that I may have left some evidence somewhere. It took me about about 10 minutes to realize it wasn't real, I was so shook up.
    I guess I watch too much of that stuff on TV. Hopefully it means that my life will change for the better.

  24. It may well have something to do with depression and/or trauma. I know I have heard before that dreaming of a death could have an opposite meaning. Perhaps a new birth or hoping life gets better. I just can't imagine someone living with something like this if it were real. That would be so horrible, that's what I thought the first time I had a dream like this. Maybe that was to tell me life could be worse. I hope the current one means that life will change for the better, it's about time and I am so ready. It has been getting better slowly, very slowly.

  25. Nice glad to see I'm not the only 1. In my dream, a friend and I were at a park at night. At first it seemed like we were working out and excersizing but when I payed close attention we were both roughing up (torturing) another poor guy while he was fighting back. So we managed to finish him by stabbing him repeatedly all over his body. But I remember those weren't our intentions. All we wanted to do was bully him a bit anyway we both panicked and ended up throwing the dangling body parts in a construction zone trench. And the whole dream I kept telling myself what an idiot who tries to hide a body in a construction site so i contemplated for hours on when and how to get the body back and hide it somewhere else but luckily I woke up and realized it was just a crazy dream.

  26. For the last 10 years maybe twice a year I dream about having the knowledge that I have been involved in a murder (the memory of, and reason for murder does not exist, just that I have been involved somehow and am guilty and hiding the body) I am always with a man (who’s identity Is vague and sometimes differs in the dream) and we have usually buried the body in the past but for whatever reason I am terrified we are going to be found out. When I wake I am so sure it is real and have just forgotten about it. Upon first waking I even ask my partner (if he was In the last dream) if we have murdered someone because I’m still scared an confused. It is so so real and confusing

  27. My dream felt so real , my wife and myself were sleeping on our bed , and I woke up and thinking to myself, I hope my wife doesn't find out I had murdered an old lady And her body was buried under our bed in the cement floor ?
    And then when I woke up , realizing it was only a dream I remember that I had murdered before , and this body is in our garden ?
    I have to admit, I got up from this dream and went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror and asked myself who the fuck are you , and why can't I remember all of this ?
    Am I really capable of doing these things and then live with it and carry on like it never happened ???
    To date , I have to agree , this is the worst dream I had so far ....
    Now I am wondering if there is really a body in my garden and in the cement of my bedroom floor?
    And they are trying to connect with me ?
    All I know is , I don't like the way it makes me feel , as I am very straight forward man , I say my say and I am honest and don't have secrets or as some would say , skeletons in the closet.
    Question is .....I need answers !!!!

    1. Sound so like my recurring dream and mor importantly.. How it leaves me feeling. That sense of 'yes.. I did this but I can't remember it but I MUSTget caught. Terrifying... I can remember almost everyburial scenario too.. Just woke from another one thus morning.

  28. I had a similar dream last night, I was at a house with 3 old time friends getting drunk wasted this one guy started irritating me about one of my ex's and I being short tempered got really pissed and walked out to the garage are with my beer bottle to smoke a cig, he came behind me to confront me but Outta anger and drunkness I slipped and smashed his head with bottle, he collapsed right there when my other friend came rushing out hearing the noise.. seeing the guy passed out my other friend checked if the guy was still breathing but he was to drunk too to make the right call.. he looked up at me in dread, and I knew I killed him, there was coal burning near us and to hide the murder we decided to burn him to ashes, I was about to pass out in fear and drunkenness so I only so my friend put him on so wooden box kinda thing and set it to fire.. but as he lit up the box with fire I saw the passed out guy open his eyes but it was already to late my friend didn't see his open eye only I did he was to busy lighting more fire.. I wanted to stop him but cause I was about to pass-out I couldn't stop him from burning more fire.. all I remember is I was awake in the dream again after this with alot of guilt but a few days / months had passed and I had hired a lawyer to fight a fake case where we blamed some third person for the murder, but the evidence was catching up and the lawyer we hired failed..she left and all I remember is I felt guilty and very guilty about what I did but kept telling myself in the dream that it's ok to move on and I have to continue to fight even tho I know I was the killer..I had to prove I didn't commit the crime.. but was just feeling so damn uneasy inside like I just wanted to end it all for a moment and bam my dream broke I woke up in real life I was in my bed ..sweating like crazy ..heart pounding feeling still guilty.. and went to Facebook to check if my friend was still alive and if it was only a dream.. and out of shear happiness I saw him doing really well and posting so old memory photos of us .. and was truly releaved that everything was just a damn dream.. I couldn't figure out what it meant.. but it was as real as reality can be.. if anyone can interpret it and tell me I would be really thankful

  29. I too see such dreams..

    I (wd my frnd )ws tryng to dispose a body , cut it into d pieces,
    Neithe i know d person nor i hv murderd tht prsn,...
    I d k why i ws tryng to hide tht body....
    I successfully ran away from there bt my frnd cought by police... I cm bck, surrnderd myself bcoz i cm to know she has been cought....
    Police from my bag strted collctng d rest part of d body....
    It was really horrific & terrible😐... Tht tym

    The very next day,
    I hv tried to save myself from a person who hs done smthng wrong wd me... I was able to fleet from their grab, i hide myself in a room,.... They still cought me... As a 2nd girl who was very frightnd opn d door where we hide, nd tht 2nd grl was me only.. Means 2nd me.... ( may be my another side - one side brave,
    2nd side fear ) ... On one side i was tryng to convince tht persn to frgv me, meanwhile convincing i find a chance to hit him wd stones.... Thn i killed him wd an iron rod, his friends eloped... i hitted him many of tym so tht evn by mstk he could nt hv any life breaths..... Bt at d end he open his eyes lyk a villain & lyk nothng hs hppnd to him...
    Nd grt twist is, the persin whom i was killng was the person i like most.....
    This ws also terrible for mw tht tym.... 😐

  30. i just woke up from a dream about my best friend having a fight with someone and murdering them, she went up to me and told me what she did and handed me the bag, the corpse was cut in small pieces and for some reason in my dream I helped her cover it up and we were looking for places to hide the body, in the end we threw it in the trashcan next to my house. i woke up and i thought it was real for a few seconds so I panicked

  31. I've had a dream twice where my partner is trying to hide a dead body (a dressed man in the first dream and a naked woman in the second dream). I don't know but in both dreams it feels like he killed them maybe accidentally and I feel very scared that the body will be found as the hiding happens in our home (not our actual property but it feels like its in our home in the dream). This morning the same dream with a man has emerged which woke me up and when I fell asleep the other dream with a woman came back almost like they were connected or essentially its the same dream and has the same meaning...

  32. I've been having similar dreams for decades.. I've killed someone unknown to me and hidden a normally messy and dismembered body... Much if the dreamthough, is about after this and the sense of being found out.. Often leads to days ig being unsettled and convinced it's real and that I Will be caught.

  33. I've had the same one for a few weeks now, at least twice a week when I pass out or whatnot here and there and I talked with my mom and she has no idea and I haven't found much off of google, anyway: First person POV, I'm walking through my grandparents' (deceased) house, it's built in a way that the front door goes through the kitchen, into the back porch, and then out to the back yard (the house in reality is a bit more complicated than that) and I turn left until I'm facing the house, take a few steps backwards, and suddenly I see this man filling up the underneath of the porch with cement. He's an old man looking around his 50's, grey, thin hair, blue polo t-shirt, tan pants with cement stains near the bottom. Now third person POV. Curious, I walk closer but don't say anything as I watch him fill up what seemed to be a giant hole underneath the house, he nor I say anything. Suddenly the house is just gone and he's filling this huge as hole in the ground with cement, but it looks as if he had previously filled a layer with cement and is now filling another layer with cement. I then look around past the point of cement where it hasn't completely filled the base yet and It's completely filled with body after body of children between the ages of 12 and 15.
    They're laying there side by side with their arms touching and then when one row is filled up it continues again underneath the first row. Each have been murdered in a different way, stabbed, shot, strangled, cut, it's was horrifying. I just stand there, watching as the wet cement slowly creeps over their bodies, each kid disappearing one at a time under the thick cement until they were all covered and he stopped, packed up, and left. After he was gone, the cement began to melt away and it turned out that underneath each layer of cement was another layer of murdered children, all laying in a neat row side by side. I think there were about 5 layers of children covered by cement (including the one I had just witnessed) and each layer had 4 rows of like 13 kids. I don't know how many kids were in each row, I didn't have time to count before I woke up again.

  34. I had a detailed dream i murdered my sister, chopped up her body parts and disposed of them because she was annoying me. I ended up really regretting it in the dream, especially when my parents started looking for her. Honestly I love my sister and this dream has really disturbed me, last night I had a detailed dream that my eye fell out, no idea what these weird dreams mean.

  35. I have the same recurring dreams as all of you had mentioned. The worst part of the dream for me was the realization that if anyone finds out, I will lose my family, and that everyone will think im a monster. I believe I am having this dream because of something i did in the past that I regret more than anything. I chested on my wife the first year we were married, and it was with her sister. Its been over 10 years since this happened and I live in constant fear that I will be exposed, lose everything, kids will think im disgusting. I want to get rid of this guilt but I keep hiding it just so I can have more time with my family, they mean everything to me.

    1. Omg this must hurt so much ibe done some awful things but was always truthful because that's just who I am but no matter being truthful and them accepting it my husband always throws it back in my face anything ive ever done was when we were not together but its different for women I don't get mad at my husband's past its the past he did cheat on me a lot it hurt so bad when it happened so sick to my stomach but I didnt like talking about it I accepted it and moved on if he cheated on me now thats diffrent for you it was your wife's sister thats really bad what made you do it and was it more than a kiss and you say it was your fist year of marriage how long were you with your wife before you married her. Was it you who tried to be with her sister or her were you drunk?

  36. Many people having the same dream...myself included....must be symbolic for something. The death of yourself or hiding? Sigh. These have been reoccurring for me.

  37. I had a dream where my wife got the idea to murder random immigration attorneys she got the idea from her friend we were living at my grandpas which hes been dead for 2 years now and his house is long sold but anyways she wasnt telling me and there were torsos cut up and heads missings I began to hit her in the face and it looked like I was bruising her but in actuality it should of been severe it wasnt she played victim abd said sorry I felt sad and began to cover up bodies I took suitcases to the garbage and I also went out on a boat and dumped bodies the whole time I felt like I was going to get caught i saw my wife making bacon and she said that she aite parts lol and a vision shot in my head where she was like a demon biting on a torso I looked at the face and it looked like the girl from the ring or a scary demonic movie the dream cut the vision and we were watching a baseball game happy as ever and thats when I told her I cant cover for her and there no way the police dont know about what happened i got up and tried to tell everybody what happened but the words couldnt come out I asked her again why the lawyers and she said because now theres no one who can stop me and looked demon like and laughed ive had this same dream now like 4 times sucks

  38. As it seems to me, the article "Dream Resource: Hiding a Murder" might explore the symbolism and psychological implications of dreaming about concealing a crime. It could provide insights into the subconscious mind and the various interpretations of such dreams. For further exploration of spiritual meanings and symbolism, you might find this link insightful:


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