
Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Alone on an island

Dream By Norman - Hi, I have been having this strange dream…….I am stranded alone on an island and there is really no one there. The island seems to be deserted and I am looking to escape from there. I have no one to consult but suddenly I feel as if someone is coming from a distance…and there you go…the dream ends right away.

Can you help me know what this dream means Thank you.

Reply By Sowelu - Hiya Norman!

The symbolism is actually pretty straight forward in this dream. In some way, with regard to some situation or within yourself... you feel isolated, cut off, alone. You are depicted as having no resources (stranded), no community of others (deserted, no one to consult) and wanting to change that status (looking to escape).

There are a couple messages that I see in this dream. First... escaping is how we become isolated, cut off and alone. Most of us tend to believe that we must manage everything ourselves in life, bear the weight of the responsibilities of all aspects of our lives, our jobs, family situations, etc. We live on stress and tasks on a "to-do" list that never ends. We think this is how we join community and participate in life and "build something worth having". But in fact, this is escaping. What are we escaping by behaving this way? The truth of our situation...

We are living from our heads and fear. If we don't get this done, do that, remember this, organize that, earn enough to buy this, have that, etc. then something bad will happen. We imagine all sorts of punishments for ourselves if we don't perform according to the rules we carry in our heads. Heck, we even set up a societal system outside us to keep us in line with these made up rules and to exact that punishment if we fall short. All of this, humanity is beginning to realize, is living from the ego, not from the heart. And it's a lonely existence.

THIS is what creates the deepest feelings of aloneness for all of us, but we rarely realize it. We are living from an ego using the mind to manage life... and it has no back up. It has no resource but fear to keep itself going.

The second message I see in this dream is one of hope. It reveals that there is always help available, we are never actually alone, no matter how much we may feel we are. The distance between us and the help we need is about 14 inches or so. That's the span between the head and the heart.

It seems like the most immense distance for most of us, though. To make the trip requires surrender and a willingness to receive from a new pool of resource... one of love, rather than fear. Fear has been humanity's fuel for living for a very, very long time. Love barely got a say in any of our lives for so long. This is changing. Collective humanity is demanding this change, from deep inside mass consciousness. Many are feeling it rising up in them, this need to "escape" the way of life humanity has had in play for centuries, and find some new approach to living. The heart is the resource for this new way of life.

So to make this trip from the head to the heart, one must surrender and be willing to receive love... which implies a few things. We have to make room for love. Right now... we're full up ignorance and fear and yet think we know everything. Most of us do, it's true. We think... and therefore we are. This is what needs to change. The truth is we are, therefore we are able to think. See the difference?

So to make room for love to enter, we must admit we don't have all the answers and everything isn't ok, we must be willing to feel our vulnerability. We must let go of rigidity, remember that life existed before we thought up all these time contraptions that keep us busy until death. So we must feel... all those feelings trapped deep inside that we have stayed busy in order to avoid!

And perhaps most important of all, we must acknowledge that our lives are our own, so any change will be ours to make. We must make new choices. Such as realigning our sense of responsibility from the ego's world to the realm of our true self. This means choosing to place the heart in the lead in our lives, not the head.

We must choose to let go of controlling our lives and let our feelings speak to us uncensored. The mind has to take a back seat in this process, and we must choose to make that happen. We must feel... all the things we've been so busy in our lives avoiding.

But again, as your dream suggests, we will have help. When we choose to make this kind of life change, we are choosing to join an enormous pool of resources... the heart, where that which gave birth to us lives. Love. And that resource is so vast, so complete and nurturing and fulfilling. But we have to choose to make the effort to get to it.

There is no other true escape from the ego/mind's isolation but to enter the heart.

Hope that helps! Take or toss as you see fit.

Blessings to you in discovering the life meaning in your dream messages!

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