When I answered it was my dad he was telling me that it would all be ok when I asked if he was ok he just began laughing and replied I cant stop laughing. In my dream I tried to give my husband the phone and no one would speak to him but when I got the phone back my father was there still.
Is my dad trying to reach me through my dreams?
Reply By Sowelu – Hiya Indeed, your father is not trying to reach you, he has reached you.
We’re here on earth playing at being human, but we are in fact so much more, most of which does not take specific form… but can take any form.
This message was one of the most pure I’ve seen in a while, and true to the nature of life beyond the human path: Truly Joyousness with a foundation of awareness that There Is Nothing To Worry About. Ever. All is and will continue to be… OK.
I don’t know if you’re having difficulties in life at this time, but if so this contact may have occurred to reassure you in a time of need. Those who are dear to us while here remain in relationship with us once they leave here, as well.
Search your heart to feel the essence of anyone who has passed on… our heart is connected to both sides of the veil. There is no separation in truth, it is only our perception – a product of our limited minds – that produces the appearance and effect of such an illusion.
When people “die” from here, they simply leave form. They existed before they took form (as have you and me and all here), they exist once they are without form, and they will continue to exist forevermore. This applies to all of us. We are eternal beings at essence. All of us.
If this were my dream, I’d express gratitude… to both my father and myself, frankly, for allowing the connection to be made! If you’re interested in more contact of this nature, perhaps while awake, simply state that it is your desire.
If it’s appropriate at this point in your life, synchronicities and clues will occur to help it along. At any rate, you can always tap your heart for that unique and special sense of your father any time, any where, and he will be as close to you, in love, as he ever has been. And he will know you have done this, btw. It is we who have the veil, not those on the other side of it.
I do hope this is helpful. Take or toss it as you see fit. Blessings!
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