
Monday, 6 December 2010

Gold Key

Dream By Lizzy – I come upon a long golden key hanging from the lowest branch of an enormous oak tree. The key is about 2′ long and attached to the branch with a gold chain. There are three large gems imbedded on the top part of the key. One is red, one is green, and one is blue. They are very deep colors.

The key itself  is very ornate with lots of scroll work and intricate designs  around these jewels. It is quite heavy and very valuable.

Reply By Dream Patient – Hi Lizzy  The images in your dream are beautiful. Did you have any feeling response to the dream? ”I come upon a…..” Your ego ‘comes upon’. It is not clear whether you are searching for something, or where you are (in a room, forest, backyard, at night, in daylight etc.).
There is no personal information here, no sense of ego action, and very little feeling tone to the words so it is hard to relate the dream to your personal state or emotions or sense of self, or issues in your life. “long golden key”.

Perhaps yesterday (the day before the dream) you accidently came upon something in real life, an idea, a thought, a gesture, a smile, thoughts about another dream of yours, or a piece of information, which felt to you as though it was “key” to something or had intrinsic value in your life?

“Long, golden” this is an unusual size for a key? And your dream is very specific about the size of it. Have you seen anything like it before? Does it remind you of anything? ”golden” what does gold mean to you? Have you ever seen a ”gold key”? Is there a favourite fairy tale key? Does it belong to a story you know?
Once you know all your associations to the images in your dream, you can rewrite the dream using the associations if you want instead of the images themselves.

“Two feet” long. Does this sound like something to you? “Two feet”. I’d like to suggest it might have to do with the two feet you stand on. Your grounding senses and strength and your ability to feel the ground and move along the ground. Action.

Your own “lowest branch of the tree”. an enormous oak tree” Again, what are your associations to an oak? Too trees in general. To this dream tree. Does it stand alone outside? Where is it located? I myself have never seen a tree in utter blank space unless it was a day fantasy or a sketch on a page. There are many ancient relationships to the oak. Perhaps some of these are familiar to you.

My own associations about tree images are something like “the tree is the natural strength that sends roots way down deep into the invisible rich soil, relates with all the simple organisms there, and with massive strength reaches up through the middle areas where I live to the sky above during the day, and the stars and moon at night. It can be a home to many creatures and often a shelter for human beings”.

 What are your words I would ask what you and your ego are doing near this inner image of biological and psychological strength and relationship.

“Jewels” and “ornate artistic work” very lovely. And your associations? “heavy” Yes, such a key would be very heavy. But what does this do to or for you? Is it hard to handle. Stronger. Do you need help? etc.”valuable” this key is valuable in what way? If you sold it would it give you money or wealth? How does this serve your ego?

Is there any value to the key as a key? Is it valuable for its artistry alone? Was it made by someone to be a valuable object only? What good and uses are there for you in a long two foot golden key decked out with jewels and scrollwork, hanging on a low branch of an oak tree?Is it good to look at? Think about? Dream about? Fantasize about? Use as an image in a story? Can you sell it to a museum, or historical society for money? For fame? Will the key work as a key? Can it open any door, anywhere?What does it demand of your ego? What is your feeling response to this image How is this key valuable? To whom? Why?

Throughout the dream you use the word “I” once. Is there any ”I” at the end of the dream? It sounds more like a half-dream or a dream fragment, one which is well worth playing with. The feeling-tone words in your dream are: enormous deep heavy Is there anything in your experience which would look like those feelings to you? Is there a key to them?

Dream Patient

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