Discussion by Daisy - Thank you so much for your defining of the warrior spirit (See Previous post) I also believe that spirit has no physical substance, and I happened upon a scientific topic recently dealing with "dark matter".
It involves particles in the universe that are so small that they pass through solid matter. Scientists are trying to validate this theory and suspect that it accounts for 90% of our universe. Some therotize this would account for a "physical " spirit, of sorts.
The particles involved are so tiny, that we have no way to detect them or see them as of yet. They are testing in the ice caps somehow. Anyway, this has nothing to do with dreaming, but it has a lot to do with the spirit. I was wondering if you have heard of this and if you might have an opinion on it. I don't really know what to think of it, I just thought it was an interesting topic.
Thanks for you insight! ~Daisy~
Reply By Sowelu - Hi again, Daisy! Well yes, I have heard of this theory you mentioned, and I do have a theory of my own regarding what they're discovering... but I don't know how well I could explain it, frankly. I'm no scientist
The "dark matter" may be what I see as the expression of suppressed energy, or potential in denial, rather than the fullness of Spirit, which would be realized potential. I do see this "dark matter" as part of what makes manifest Creation what it is, but not wholly what "Spirit" is, imo.
There's a lot to this, but in essence I see Spirit as fully conscious/aware, of itself and All That Is expressed in Creation. As a result, it has no form, because it needs no form to learn who or what it truly is. Manifestation is generated for discovery, experience and learning, with an eventual return to union with the Oneness in light.
And Spirit has no "need" of manifestation because Spirit is nearest union with the One itself, but from love Spirit invests in manifest creation by giving birth to new sparks of the One, which will eventually realize themselves to the level of their "parent" and give birth to new sparks themselves.
So all products of Spirit are what I see as not fully conscious/aware of themselves expressions of the One, birthed by Spirit, generating what we know as Creation. In other words, all that Spirit creates is in some degree of ignorance of itself, which is what gets light shed upon it, revealing manifest Creation. What is ignorant is slower, denser vibrationally, so that light can "catch it" and it holds its form as matter. Once full awareness is attained by it, this "child" of Spirit, it becomes no longer made of matter, but becomes pure light itself. The light of awareness.
Matter is a range of expression of non-awareness. So anything that is material is still somewhat unaware of itself, existing in seeming separation from its Source, the Oneness. And its unaware enough so that it needs the form to identify itself. The unaware portion is "dark matter", or potential still unrealized.
This unrealized potential has seeming external light shed upon it (again, anything in ignorance is slower, denser, "heavier" in vibration), so that it is seen as separate from the pure, unmanifest light of awareness of All That Is...Again, it's not exactly simple, nor do I have a terminology {to describe my understanding} that is coherent enough to discuss it fruitfully, perhaps.
A simple analogy, however, might serve: If a person is unaware of or denying an emotional pain experienced in childhood that still motivates their actions as an adult, that emotional pain is "dark matter" for them, creating various painful scenarios in their lives.
The painful scenarios are light being shed on their darkness... it often takes many, many manifestations of this pain before it's recognized as belonging to the person. Once they realize (notice the term) that it is themselves creating the pain they keep experiencing, they can discover the true cause.
Once the true cause is realized, they can find compassion for the original trauma imprinting event (and all who were involved), and this releases the "dark matter" into the light of understanding and compassion. And once this occurs, the person is lighter, literally, energetically, figuratively... in every way that term applies.
They've realized another part of themselves. They've "rescued from darkness" a portion of their life force, taking it back into their consciousness, thereby no longer needing to manifest painful circumstance to learn
In a sense, by realizing this part of themselves, they've literally removed their dark matter from the pool of potential for creating events in their own lives. However, this light of awareness they gain as a result of the learning process "grows" them toward Spirit, freeing them from physical reality just a bit more. Each time something is "realized" in this manner, the person is "climbing the ladder of awareness" or ascending physical, human existence.
When they know themselves fully, they will no longer be in or need physicality. This doesn't mean they won't still choose to experience it in some fashion, btw, but they will no longer "need it" because they are pure awareness, which has no form.
This is, in my understanding, the foundation of the concept that {physical} life is illusion. It is false... meaning that it is the result of NOT knowing Self. When Self is fully known, that Being becomes "real" and is no longer of matter.
And now to bring dreams into this "life view" of mine (this IS a dream discussion board, after all): In my view, dreams are communiques from one's Spirit (or stepped down version, as I see it, called "Soul") or one's Higher Self.
Their purpose is to assist the dreamer in these very kinds of realizations just mentioned, through symbolic communication. In my sense of things, a Spirit or Soul or Higher Self may communicate the same message an untold number of times, in a variety of symbolic ways, before the light dawns on the dreamer. Nonetheless, the assistance is always there.
The depths of meaning that dreams have can often be seen by the different "levels" of interpretation offered by different people, all of whom perceive Creation from a different, unique perspective. Just one dream can have many, many "accurate" interpretations, all pointing to something different in some way, or pointing to a different "level" of understanding.
My own view tends toward the "root soul cause", so to say. I'm always seeking the most elemental reason for a dream's symbols and messages. I'm looking for the "dark matter" in an individual, imo. That dark matter that creates a need for the soul to communicate through a dream in the first place... if that makes any sense.
Others who do interpretations, on the other hand, are assisting people through dream interpretation at a more daily life application level. In a certain dream, they might "see" that someone needs to get a new job because the current one is causing undue stress, whereas I would "see" something different in the same dream. I might "see" the reason they keep attracting jobs like this, as well as keep attracting relationships with similar difficulties... in other words, I'd "see" the "Self in denial dark matter", or root cause at a soul level, for the conflict displayed in the dream. Perhaps the difference is apparent in that description.
As a result, some people will have no clue how to apply what I might see... if they don't live at the same level and shoot for the same goal as I. And that's perfectly fine, of course. Someone else may offer insight that exactly helps, because the dreamer needed input from someone who came from a different level of understanding.
Whew! That might be a first for me, expression-wise, Daisy. Thanks once again for the dialogue!
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