
Wednesday, 21 September 2011


Dream By - Laura
Here goes! I had a dream last night where I was lying in bed with a man (not my husband) and we were kissing and stuff (no sex involved). As we were kissing, he continued to move his feet towards the window. It must have been the ending of summer because it was still warm out. It also seemed to be a comfortable setting at first.

Anyhow, I noticed that he was pushing the screen out with his feet and it seemed he was doing this hoping that I wouldn't notice. I got up and went to the window while saying to him, "why are you pushing out the screen, someone is going to see us". He gave a little chuckle and said, "no one is out there, don't worry about it".

I reached out for the screen and saw a man (very tall) walking on the sidewalk almost in front of the house. A child (boy) was walking a little ahead of him, it seemed like a very natural setting. I turned towards the man that I was with (he was still lying on the bed) and said, "see there's a man out there and he'll see us". He got up from the bed and went somewhere in the house.

 I looked back out the window and I noticed him and my neighbor (female) across the street exchanging some small talk (nice night out tonight; etc..,). He walked across the street as though they were going to continue to chat and all of a sudden, he picked my neighbor up by her feet (like she was a light as a doll) and started bashing her head off of the cement sidewalk. He continued to smash her head as I was watching in total shock and could not move.

 I noticed he was heading towards my house. As he walked up onto my porch, I remember him saying something to me (I was still in the window) and he didn't think that I had just seen what happened. I think he was asking for the man that was with me (it was like they knew each other and he was expecting him to come). I told him, "just one minute".

 I believe at this point I realized this was something planned between the two of them and I was in great danger. I walked into the hallway (still don't know where he was in the house) and said to him, "So and So was at the door". All this was racing through my mind as I went into the bathroom making it seem that everything was normal.I flushed the toilet so he would not hear me breaking the screen and jumping out the window. I jumped over the fence and was trying to figure out where to hide. I woke up very scared and extremely thirsty!

Thanks for reading!

Reply By Sowelu

Hi Laura! Hang in there, this one's long! Whew! LOL! For whatever reason, I saw a TON in this dream, and have done my best to explain it as fully as I could. Hope it helps!

You wrote: "I was lying in bed with a man (not my husband) and we were kissing and stuff (no sex involved). As we were kissing, he continued to move his feet towards the window. It must have been the ending of summer because it was still warm out. It also seemed to be a comfortable setting at first. "

The setting for the dream helps determine where the issue being pointed to actually lies, and in this dream you're shown it's within you. In a bed indicates something occuring within yourself, in those intimate levels of relationship with self we don't normally expose or share with others, and sometimes don't recognize ourselves.

Males in dreams typically represent our own thoughts and/or behaviors. Unknown males often indicate thoughts/beliefs we aren't aware we carry that influence us, or behaviors we're not consciously aware we do that harm us. I get a sense that both apply here. An unknown or unfamiliar wisdom resides in your within (the unknown male), while at the same time your ignorance or denial of it is part of how you cause yourself pain in life.

Kisses can indicate favorably communicating with whatever you're kissing, but it can also point to self-betrayal... and that's the feel I get here, that again, both apply. You're intimately connecting with a wiser understanding in your "higher mind" by kissing this unknown male, and what you're learning about by doing so is an issue of self-betrayal that occurs in your life.No sex indicates that this something you're doing to yourself is not something you've integrated/merged with yet... in other words, it's typically something that you are in denial of, or unaware of, about yourself.

The initial comfort in the setting again points to you not realizing that this something you do or think/believe, is actually harming you. You've been comfortable with your response/belief/behavior thus far in life. But that's changing, and this dream is helping you to see how and why. While experiencing this kiss, which I see as symbolic of communing/conferring with a higher, wiser part of self, you're given guidance.

Feet are indicative of our foundational beliefs, convictions, etc. This wise part of you is showing you a few things about this foundational part of you. Windows indicate an ability to gain an expanded vision, or see through or beyond the surface of situations and issues in our lives. Screens on windows indicate filters to that expanded view, however.

So... moving the feet toward the window to push out the screen indicates a few things; that you're losing energy to the outside of you, giving over your power (life energy) to things external, through this foundational belief (with the feet). However, as is often the case, this very fact of doing so, of disempowering yourself through this belief you've held, has provided you with a multitude of experiences to now examine in light of this wise new input from within.

So that which caused self-pain is also the very source for the greatest growth and learning. This is pointed to by pushing the filter (screen) out of the window, so as to see more clearly. In this sense, I get the feeling that the movement of the feet toward the window, while it's warm, is indicating that you are in the process of awakening to, or becoming exposed to, a truth about what's lain hidden in your within for so long.

And I see much in the symbol of it being warm. Warmth is something we often associate with things pleasant (your previous comfort with the foundational beliefs being pointed to), but it is also an indicator of something "heated" (my sense is that when the situations occur in daily life, that this issue/belief is at the root of, you may feel anger), as well as the idea of warming up to a concept (slowly assimilating this new understanding being offered by inner guidance), and also, as with the games we play as children with a blindfold, where the one wearing it (you, in this sense, your lack of awareness of this issue essentially rendering you "blind") is told they're getting "warm" when they get closer to discovery.

You wrote: "Anyhow, I noticed that he was pushing the screen out with his feet and it seemed he was doing this hoping that I wouldn't notice. I got up and went to the window while saying to him, "why are you pushing out the screen, someone is going to see us". He gave a little chuckle and said, "no one is out there, don't worry about it"."

Again, screens are symbolic of the filters we have in our way to accurate perception in life. In this case, I see the screen AS the foundational belief, in fact. Screens dull and sometimes distort that which we see through them, so looking at life through this belief has caused a dulling, perhaps, of your joy in life, and likely distorts much of what you see. Screens also tend to have an interesting feature that I suspect is part of why your guidance used it as a symbol in this dream to represent your foundational belief that needs changing...

With a screen in a window, one can see OUT, at the world, even while it's in place. However, those outside cannot see IN very well, if at all. In this sense, your screen (belief) has served to protect you from others seeing into you. This idea is mirrored, in reverse, by your guidance (the male) attempting to get rid of the filter "as if hoping you wouldn't notice". In fact, he's not hoping you won't notice, he's behaving in a mirrored fashion for you, showing you one way you keep the filter in place. By pretending it's not there, by pretending to see things clearly when you really don't, by doing one thing while knowing something else somewhere within.

The other piece that comes in around this action of seeming as though he doesn't want you to notice, is the idea that you don't fully realize that by self-examination (conferring with inner guidance) you automatically, and at the same time, end up removing the filter/belief that you've held in place all your life. And yet... you also DO notice, don't you? This may be another way of pointing to a fear of doing the introspection for healing or a fear of actually embracing what you've been told by inner guidance.

Pushing out a screen is your guidance's way of indicating what needs to be done. Sort of forcing you to gain clarity on this foundational belief in your within at this time, while you're actually "feeling" the betrayal (kissing). My sense is that you just recently experienced another situation in life where you COULD HAVE gone within and sought out the root of your difficulties, the cause in you, but instead chose to see someone (or something) OUTSIDE you as "the problem".Your guidance is saying, essentially, that while this experience is fresh for you, go within and gain some clarity about how you set it up, time and again.

As others have mentioned, part of this self-betrayal may well be your own tendency to pretend something isn't happening, even while it is, right in front of you, so to speak.If we don't acknowledge it's happening at the time, we close ourselves off from learning from it in a true way. We end up "reacting" on autopilot instead of witnessing with clarity the display of what we hold within that causes us harm.

Going to the window as you notice this action, indicates potentially moving closer to gaining an expanded understanding of what you're doing to yourself, through the act of self-examination (asking him why). And what you learn by asking questions within is, once again, the issue is not "out there", and not to waste energy worrying in that direction.

You wrote: "I reached out for the screen and saw a man (very tall) walking on the sidewalk almost in front of my house. A child (boy) was walking a little ahead of him, it seemed like a very natural setting. I turned towards the man that I was with (he was still lying on the bed) and said, "see there's a man out there and he'll see us". He got up from the bed and went somewhere in the house.

Reaching for the screen indicates a desire to hang onto your filter/belief, rather than letting it go, however. This again indicates a form of self-betrayal. Once we gain the understanding that our issues are within us, not without, to continue to look outside for the source of our pain is once again giving away our power to the outer, rather than empowering ourselves by seeking and clearing the hidden parts within us that take away from our wholeness. And when you grab your filter again, you end up seeing something "out there".

Our fears are self-fulfilling prophecies. What we fear, we create for ourselves over and over. There's reason for this, though it's not so easy to explain.  An attempt: we expend energy "worrying" about this something we fear, and we also expend energy "protecting against" this something we fear, so we've got a whole bunch of our energy (life force) literally focused on that which we fear. This, the investment of so much energy on something, is what causes it to manifest in our lives. Over and over. Grabbing that screen is literally WHY you see a potential threat, the people outside, who may see into your vulnerability.

This is the root of the phrase, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself", imo. When we invest in fearing, we create what we fear. And to the unaware, it seems as if our fears are founded in truth, because the outer world keeps "proving" to us, over and over, that what we fear is real. But the outer is generated from the inner. The world is a mirror of our selves. What's within us, we will see outside us, in order that we may learn from it. Once we do, we "integrate it", embrace it in understanding and compassion, and it no longer negatively influences us in our lives.

In your dream, however, you're shown that it is the grabbing onto the screen, the filter to your clear perception, that causes you to see your problem as originating outside you. You were already told, through self-examination, that the issue lies within. So take back your energy from the outer by not looking for proof of your fears, and look within for the source of your fears. This inner seeking will be fruitful and healing. The outer will then "prove" your newfound growth.

The dream goes further, in that it then shows you the situation(s) in your life that are evidence of the fears you hold within. Seeing a tall man points, once again, to a belief(s) that is quite prominent in your mind. His size and position in relation to the boy indicates that he is the "adult version" of something you believed and/or experienced as a child. There is a lot invested in "him", this belief. The "natural setting" again may indicate that this something that occurred or was taught to you when young, seemed very natural and made sense to that younger you.

When you attempt to "prove" to your hidden wise guiding mind that your fear is valid, it (he) ups and leaves you for parts unknown. He (this wise part of you) is still in you somewhere (somewhere in the house), but no longer tangible or available for further discussion. You essentially "make your wisdom go away" by insisting on viewing the outer as proof and validation of your fears.

You wrote: "I looked back out the window and I noticed him and my neighbor (female) across the street exchanging some small talk (nice night out tonight; etc..,). He walked across the street as I thought they were going to continue to chat and all of a sudden, he picked my neighbor up by her feet (like she was a light as a doll) and started bashing her head off of the cement sidewalk.

The neighbor across the street now represent feelings related to this belief you hold and invest in, that are also not integrated yet. You're aware of them, but you're not so familiar with them that they live in your house... they're across the street. This indicates that these feelings become integrated (cross to your side of the street), through gaining an understanding of the belief that keeps them at bay (talking to the tall man).

Because you don't gain understanding but instead chose to grab onto your old belief, you see that the female doesn't cross over to you, but rather the belief in you (tall man) gets further away from your clarity and moves to engage closer with those divorced feelings of yours. Again, the idea here is that all of this action now is occurring because you chose to grab the filter (belief), rather than let it go. And what happens? This belief of yours actually sanctions and generates a "beating up of yourself". When you choose to hang onto this belief, you end up beating yourself up for the feelings deep within. And not just beating yourself up, but this belief causes you to obliterate the understanding these feelings could offer you (smashing her head into the cement) if you would but call them closer to you (cross the street to you) and allow them their expression in a true way!

The comment that this belief of yours picked up your feelings as if they were light as a doll points to the concept that this belief causes you to "take lightly" or not see as "substantial", the weight of truth your feelings could provide you if you allowed them to. You "make light" of these feelings, when indeed, they hold a key to growth for you.

You wrote: "He continued to smash her head as I was watching in total shock and could not move. I noticed he was heading towards my house. As he walked up onto my porch, I remember him saying something to me (I was still in the window) and he didn't think that I had just seen what happened. I think he was asking for the man that was with me (it was like they knew each other and he was expecting him to come). I told him, "just one minute". "

I suspect you have relationship scenarios where someone(s) in your life reflects back at you this secretly held contempt (due to your belief) you have for your own feelings and intuitive sense that "something else is going on". You may be ridiculed or hit or harmed in some manner. Perhaps you're told that you don't know what you're talking about (that would fit the head on cement scenario). When this happens in your life, you freeze, unable to respond with ability. Shock and immobility are forms of rejection of what's being shown to us, refusing to accept or embrace it so you can take appropriate action - again, signs of self-betrayal.

Each time these events occur in your life, I suspect, the beliefs that support these confusing and scary circumstances in your life get closer to your awareness. You see something, but you don't gain the necessary clarity to eradicate it once and for all. The belief itself, however, or in this case the outer expression of it (the other person in your relationship situations where this occurs, perhaps?) comes right to your door and asks you for the wisdom to clear this mess up. I get the feeling that whomever or whatever represents the outer for you in this belief issue, has literally asked you for the very wisdom you claim exists somewhere in you because you feel the things you feel... but again, you don't have clarity and you miss the opportunity. Or, in this case, it seems you delay the opportunity by telling him/it to wait.

You wrote: "I believe at this point I realized this was something planned between the two of them and I was in great danger. I walked into the hallway (still don't know where he was in the house) and said to him, "So and So was at the door". All this was racing through my mind as I went into the bathroom making it seem that everything was normal. I flushed the toilet so he would not hear me breaking the screen and jumping out the window. I jumped over the fence and was trying to figure out where to hide. "

Coming to realize that this whole thing was planned is WONDERFUL! *heehee* It indicates that you do have some recognition that you chose this lesson for your life. Your higher self/inner wisdom conspired with those in your life who play "your villain" in these circumstances, to do so again and again, until you finally "get it" and make the necessary changes in your belief structure! However, your first response to this is "danger", indicating that you fear the growth this opportunity offers.

Walking into the hallway indicates that once you recognize that you wanted to learn this in your life, you start to see that you're walking a rather narrow path. You literally can't get off track on this issue. The sense I have here is that this troublesome issue will repeat ad nauseum until you face it, and you're starting to understand that's the case.Yet... you're also still afraid to face it.And because of the fear, you make a half-hearted attempt to confer again with your inner wisdom (telling him so-and-so was at the door), but still tend to act as if this issue isn't really happening, or that it's not yours to confront. In fact, you likely have gone through surface attempts at releasing what holds you in this pattern of behavior that sees but doesn't see, but it's just an act while you secretly do your best to escape your life lesson and remain hidden in the trappings of outer life.

In this instance, I sense that the fence is a boundary you keep in place to keep you out of your INNER self, not the other way around. It serves to keep your view of the outer as it's been, and your inner self deeply hidden somewhere within, out of your awareness and sight.

You wrote: "I woke up very scared and extremely thirsty! "Thirst is a symbol for wanting knowledge, in fact, and eagerness for it. And as we know in daily life, we can't live without water, indicating that this fear that has you running scared, also has you knowing you need to gain clarity through seeing the truth of your circumstances, finally. It feels as important on an emotional level (again, water) as life or death.

That's my view, Dreaming Again, I sure hope it helps you! I found doing this dream very rewarding in many ways and would like to thank you for posting!!


Hello Sowelu! All I can do is sit here and read; think; read and think again. I'm astonished at your reply Sowelu! You really took your time for my dream and I want to let you know how much I greatly appreciated it.

My belief/saying in life proves once again that if you can make time for others, you’re worth more than what you think. Your explanation of my dream might very well be the start I needed to rethink my life and to try and grasp at what could be killing me inside without my knowledge that it's even there.

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