
Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Aggressive Dog

Dream By Helen - Hi all, this is my first post but I keep having dreams about my dog which died. A bit of background info.... Our dog was born with a medical condition that made her very aggresive. I have a rescue dog who we got in 2002, & in 2004 my husband and I decided to expand our family with a bull terrier pup which is a breed we have both always wanted. So in July 2004 Lottie was born, we fell in love with her immediately.

After a few weeks, Lottie started showing signs of aggression, anyway long story short, she had tests and was found her heart was the size of her ribcage and she has the dog equivalent of Schizophrenia . Her eyes would glaze over green and she would just go on a rampge, sinking her teeth into whatever she could get hold of, including, windowframes, gladys our staffy and myself and hubby. Due to the size of her heart we knew her lifespan would be shortened a lot. She started medication and life carried on.

I adored her but hubby grew to hate her and we had many arguments over her. When she was nice, she made my heart sing and it hurt me to see her distressed from an attack of Schizophrenia. She had been put on the raw beef diet by the vet to curb her aggression. On xmas eve 2005 Lottie choked to death on a piece of ox tail. I was and am still heartbroken, The vet said due to the size of her heart she will have only missed one breath before her massive heart will have given out.

Since Lotties death I have seen her on more than one occasion but I have always seen spirit and it brings me comfort. She has also told me she will be coming back as a bull terrier again,this time she will be how she wanted to be last time but couldnt because of her ilnesses. she wants to be called Gretchen! Not a name I associate with anyone or would have thought of calling a bull terrier. She even gave me the name of a breeder in Philidelphia, we live in the UK but plan to emigrate to Colorado in the USA and when I typed it in, they are indeed a bull terrier breeder and heart and temprement test all their puppies

However whenever she comes to me in dream she always brings back her death and I relive it in my dreams. Obviously this upses me a lot as it was hard enough the first time. However whenever I dream of her she always appears as a white bull terrier with black a stripe on her nose, the exact opposite of her coloring in life, she was black wth a white stripe. The dream is always the same, Lotties last moments relived in detail but with her being white instead of black.

I have also dreamed of her coming and licking my face and when I have woken up I have been wet on the face, just like when a dog licks you, my other dog doesnt sleep in our room and our bedroom door is closed at night.

However last night I dreamed of her again. This time she was black with a white stripe as she was in life, she was very obedient to me in the dream and knew lots of commands. When we went on walks in the dream we would always find money and would pick up the pound coins and the silver coins but leave the 2 and 1 pences.

She also licked me in the crease of my arm, the other side of your elbow which is something she did in life. But in the dream she was extremely aggressive towards other dogs and we had decided to rehome her (which is something I would never do). A couple came to see her and decided they would take her, they were walking away from us when she looked back at me, then jumped at the woman and bit her in the throat, I had to rush and prize her mouth open.

The couple then insisted she was put to sleep. The most vivid part of the dream was me taking her to the vets, watching them inject her with the anasthetic and watching her rib cage slowly rise and fall until it stopped. Needless to say I woke up very upset but the dream is so vivid and wont go away, it's been playing round and round in my head all day. Is she trying to tell me something, does my dream have a meaning, it's been nearly 3 years since her death and still it haunts my dreams, I feel there is a meaning but I dont know what.

Reply By Sowelu - (((Hiya!))) I'm sorry to hear about Lottie. And so sorry you're reliving her death so often, it's never easy but over and over... that's just awful. (((Hugs)))

Lottie certainly wouldn't bring this back up over and over unless there were valid cause, and for a helpful reason no matter how difficult it's been for you. Dogs especially, but all pets and animals we become close with, are dedicated to our lives while they're with us and after they leave us, and also dedicated to helping us in our growth. It's simply their nature, the spirit nature of life itself.

In fact, that's the sense I get here. This dream (nightmare) messaging is intended to be helpful to you. I don't know your circumstances so I'll offer what I see in a general sense, and perhaps you can connect the dots.

****NOTE: I am lately opening to my heart a bit more, btw, and a whole lot of information seems to want to flow when I choose to respond to a post. So please bear with me as I express all that wants to flow here, if you would. I have no idea if it all applies to you or not, I'm simply trusting the flow...
To pull out the major symbolism, we have aggression or aggressiveness, illness or being "sick" (perhaps mentally), there may well be a case of being "overly compassionate" to the point of putting the self at risk, an inability to stand up for oneself (going for the throat of the woman).

All in all, it seems to me that there is an important message here that somewhere in your life there's a need to face a fear that prevents you from standing up for yourself when it's necessary. It seems there's a "deathly fear" of becoming overly aggressive if you do dare give in to this need to speak up and stand your ground in some way. Or perhaps you judge certain boundary-setting behavior as "too aggressive"... something along those lines, it seems.

Lottie tried to help you in life, and now also after her transition, with this issue. Nothing is coincidental and events come to our lives because they are agreed upon, asked for, needed, etc. Lottie's illness was no coincidence*, nor is the reliving of her aggression in these dreams a mistake. It's as though there's a need to evoke your emotional self in regard to this matter, so that you can face and cry up your fear... which will free you to love yourself in those areas where you now do not. The sense I get is that you keep "finding compassion and keeping quiet" where you need to set a boundary or speak up.

In this latest dream you described it also seems that you may not even realize the issue in question is your own. By "finding compassion for another" before inner examination, you miss the fact that what you're perhaps seeing in another is a reflection of an aspect of yourself. The woman who gets attacked in the dream is a way of depicting this "denying the fear as your own".

Let me explain a bit there... if we see someone behave aggressively and/or abusively toward someone and it bothers us... we are seeing it for a reason. Not because "there are people out there like that" but because the source of their aggression, their need to act out, stems from a fear living hidden inside themselves. We too have this fear living inside, and they are reflecting it for us, so that we can see it better. (It's difficult to see what we have hidden inside us).

By witnessing their acting out, we are seeing how that energy moves when it remains unconscious. Our emotional "bothering", the feelings it evokes in us, are our pathway inward to finding the "like energy" inside and facing it, freeing ourselves to replace it with love.

Many of us understand the tendency to act out from unconscious fears and have compassion for people in this situation, sure. But if that compassion comes from a mental understanding or a "rule" we have inside, or if it is part of our beliefs to be compassionate so we go through the motions of it or mentally understand without experience to back it up... it isn't actual compassion.

Compassion is a living, moving form of love that comes from "having been there, done that, and learned from it". The learning expands our ability to love, and that love now extends to all those who find themselves lost in similar circumstances or similar emotions/energies to those we encountered and floundered in for a while before finding our hearts around it all.

"Compassion" that comes from the mind, as in beliefs ("it's right to be compassionate" or "it's not right to judge others") is more like pity... something we feel for others who exhibit emotions and behaviors we reject within our own selves, through judgment.

By rejection I mean that when we see such things we might say to ourselves, "I would never be that way" or "I would never do/say/believe that", or "I wish people like that would just be nicer", or even "I hate it when I see that", etc. By making such judgments (inside our out loud) we are telling our emotional self that those feelings are unacceptable. And because we've instructed our feeling self this way, we also literally will not allow those feelings or thoughts or behaviors to exist within us or come out of us behaviorally, without shame and scolding and pushing them to some dark corner deep inside as "not me".

And so if we witness this type of behavior around us and feel emotionally upset by it, we can be sure we witnessed it for our own growth, not just to have compassion for the other person. We have that same fear acting as source fuel within us, and it's not been addressed yet. That's what attracted the situation to us outside ourselves, as assistance, so that we could see the reflection and use it to heal.

If we carry that fear energy and also do not allow ourselves to act out from it unconsciously (because we have controls in place on our behavior that prevent us from such things) we can actually make ourselves sick with this energy. It is negative energy being stored that has no choice but to "eat away at us" since we won't allow it to eat away at another, consciously or unconsciously, and we also won't free it through facing, feeling and healing it.

Once it's properly dealt with inside, we will no longer need to have that type of energetic behavior surround us in our environment. It won't live in us serving to magnetize those types of energies to us as reflections, anymore. Those energies will still exist in the world, but we will simply not experience them in our immediate lives anymore.

*When I mentioned that Lottie's illness was no coincidence, I was not implying that you made her ill. I hope you understand what I mean here. She came into this life with certain conditions so that she could be of service in many ways, with those limitations. You and she were drawn together energetically naturally, by love. If you had never come together in life, she would have been drawn to another who had need of her special gifts. I hope this is clear. ((((Hugs))))

I hope that you find something helpful in all of this. Again, I have no way of knowing if this applies directly or to what it extent it may, it's simply what flowed as a result of choosing to respond to your post. Take or toss as you see fit.

Hi again, helly_belly!

Apologies... I'd left the computer for some time and was lying down for a rest when the coins from your dream popped back into my mind, and I realized I never mentioned them, and so here I am again.

Coins typically indicate "change"... large coin or a large amount indicates big changes, lesser or fewer coins of course indicate lesser or smaller changes. So certainly you've had confirmation that you've been healing and changing all the while with these walks because of the money discoveries symbolism.

But what struck me about your description of the money here was leaving out the 2 and 1 pences. Almost as though there's an unconscious determination that they are of lesser value, therefore can be left and one will still move forward.

The sense I had was to do with the chakras... do you know of the chakra system? (An internet search on the term chakra will yield a great deal if you are not familiar with them) The first and second chakras would be indicated by the 1 and 2 pence coins in the dream. These two chakras are our personal energy centers having to do with (briefly):

2nd Chakra
- Relationships, relating at the physical or 3D level, sexuality/sexual energy, creativity, power/control, blame, guilt, money, morality
- color frequency is Orange
- Unifying principle or harmonic tone of this energy center is "Honor One Another"

Root Chakra
- Survival, self-esteem, security, family, social order
- color frequency is Red
- Unifying principle or harmonic tone here is "All Is One".

It almost seems you've been receiving healing/changes at other levels of self, but have left off these lower two energy centers or frequency ranges, at least with regard to this issue. I get a sense of not realizing how deep the rabbit hole goes, so to say, or not realizing that there are deeper roots to certain issues perhaps already worked with in the past. The onion isn't fully peeled on this one yet.

These are the times, indeed, when many of us are being urged to truly uproot the last of our residual energies around any distortions we've carried through this or other life times.

In this case I'm now getting this sense of needing to grasp a bigger picture, perhaps, or examine the framework for certain beliefs around "self" and "other". Especially as it pertains to this issue, but also in a general sense.

We have all tended to adopt certain relating patterns on this earth, in order to ensure survival. Mostly we come to these distorted ideas and patterns when we're quite young (either young as a soul in our essence energies, or as a young human being in our personality energies), and they're borne out of fear. This fear is quite deep and difficult to recognize. Mostly because it seems perfectly right and healthy to the human mind to live from certain "rules" in order to ensure survival. To interact with others in certain ways in order to maintain civil order and such. It isn't so obvious to most that this type of living is actually based in fear and therefore more harmful than good - for anyone.

From a spirit or soul perspective, a rule indicates a fear is present. Life is eternal, there is nothing to fear, there are no true rules and no need to control anything because life has an inherent "whole" ordering to it that requires no "management" whatsoever. The basis for this truth is that All Is One. And so wherever someone has instilled a rule - be it of behavior or otherwise - it is evidence of fear present.

This "Law of One" as it's called (it isn't a legal type of law but rather a truth about existence - similar to the idea behind the laws of physics in that it's how things "are") can be described thusly (from "Ra - The Law of One" by Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty between 1981 and 1984)


In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.
You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.

I brought all of this up because it seems to be pertinent if indeed there are still distorted energies present in the 1st and 2nd chakras. This bigger picture of truth can help put perspective on certain human beliefs when it comes time for healing and purifying our personal energy field.

And the inside of the elbow symbolism is interesting too. Saliva indicates an anxiousness to get started on a new beginning or "hungry to get going" on this something new. And the elbow is a symbol of flexibility. The inside of your elbow seems to be indicating that this phase of work has its arena inside the Self. Or alternatively... bring the lesson inward rather than keeping it projected outward as "someone else's problem or fault".
I sure do hope you find this helpful but of course as always, take or toss as you see fit.

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