
Wednesday, 2 November 2011

School Reunion

Dream By Sea - Ok, I had a very strange dream last night with a gruesome image, which I'm very curious to figure out. I was dreaming about my upcoming high school reunion, and was surprised to see such a large gathering of people, most of whom I could not recognize. Unlike what is being planned for the actual reunion, people came with their spouses and children, and teachers were also there.

My ex-partner was there, and was tagging along with me. He was holding a baby, which looked like it was dead and decomposing, but was apparently still alive. The baby had no eyes in its sockets, and its head had actually come off its body. My ex-partner was attempting to screw the head back onto its body. He was setting it with some neck brace, and this was supposed to help the baby's head grow back on to its body.

In the dream, I didn't feel horrified, but I felt disgusted by the ghastly sight of all this, and a bit embarrassed by what other people around us might think. I don't know what relation the baby in the dream had to both of us (in real life we have no children), but throughout the dream, my ex-partner was carrying it and attempting to nurse it back to health. One interesting aspect of this dream is that I've almost never dreamt about my ex in the entire time we've known each other. So when I woke up, I was left with the feeling that my ex's higher self may have been trying to communicate something to my higher self during my dreaming state.

Anyhow, here comes the really freaky part. Yesterday evening, I was talking to my ex on the phone, and during the conversation he saw a globe-light turn on spontaneously in his apartment. Apparently, this light has turned on by itself several times before, even when the switch was off. Then, tonight, I talked to him again on the phone, and he told me that yesterday night, he saw an image of a body-less head come to him, which looked dead and decomposed. It had a grey face, had no mouth or eyes, and appeared to be drooling. It also appeared to be female.

This seemed almost identical to the baby I saw in my dream last night, except that the image my ex saw was of an adult's head. I'm really curious to hear ideas on what all this might mean.

Thanks! Sea

Reply By Sowelu Hi Sea! Here goes...!! The setting of the dream indicates that you are revisiting the self of that time period, with all its known and unknown elements of the time, for assessment and integration of anything still not resolved.

Many people’s dreams that I’ve seen use high school to indicate the part of their life path where the most intense emotional learning occurred, before a more mature, calmer and higher yet more grounded view of themselves and life was obtainable.

Any conflicts, emotions or confusion experienced in such a gathering are indications of what hasn’t been resolved yet, but needs to be. The people unknown in the gathering may well connect with the issue as yet unresolved.

It seems you’re still “bringing along” some aspect of your previous relationship pattern, exemplified by your ex “tagging along with you”.

All people in the dream represent parts of you. This is your dream, about you and your growth, and everything within it is to help you understand you so that you can grow past a limitation in self.

Your ex would represent your own mental patterns and/or behaviors stemming from that past time period. The child would represent what those mental patterns/behaviors “gave birth to” back then, emotionally, and how your mind (symbolized by your ex) is attempting to keep them alive. This is what needs resolution.

The child is symbolic of “illness” or decay seated in your emotional body. It is headless because these emotions have not been brought to conscious understanding yet in you, so that they can be released appropriately.

Instead, what seems to be happening for you is that you re-run ideas or mental understandings you have about the past, as you understood them in the past, and this fuels the negative emotions that take from your current health and well-being.

What’s needed is a new conscious understanding of what that relationship was really about. Something is still left to be learned from it, and until it is, the illness and decay produced by the lack of proper understanding is kept alive within your energies.

The lack of eyes in the sockets of the child indicates how you’re not seeing something about that relationship. Feeling disgusted indicates your own reactionary self that still exists today, regarding what occurred between you two in the past. You are concerned in the dream about how others will think of you because of this sickness being carried around. It may indicate that the sickness is what brings out this focus of how others view you, as if it matters.

This all also indicates a divorce in you, from the truth of the situation, hoping no one will attach that to you, because it isn't you, it's him... type thing.

This is another indicator that something needs resolution. When we “react” to the past in our today, we have not yet fully released the past situation in all its elements.

Rather than externalizing this situation by projecting that it may be “some entity” attachment, perhaps you can try to see it more “self-designed”, due to the lack of resolution of emotional energies between you two.

My sense is that the manifestations occurring in your dreams and in his daily life are representative of the emotional energy unresolved. It’s gone on so long it now has the ability to impact the physical. This happens when something dark or unknown is left untended inside. It eventually gains enough “juice” to affect the living level, physicality, our external environment.

It makes perfect sense that for you the manifestations are in dreams, and for him they are more external, because that befits the feminine and masculine energetics. The feminine is inner, the masculine is outer, you both are seeing manifestations currently, regarding something between you from the past that needs to be honestly revealed and healed.

It may well be that his Higher Self was attempting to message you, because what I sense is that this is something you two decided to work through and truly heal together in this lifetime, and it is being ignored, denied, rewritten, misunderstood... at both ends.

I also sense that you hold the key to resolving it, because you hold onto the linch pin, so to speak… you still get emotionally reactive (even if secretly or just to yourself). And in this particular twosome, you symbolize the keeper of the emotional energy, the motivational energy, that keeps something alive in the mind and behaviors. You are the feminine of this twosome, he is the masculine.

We often don’t understand that the mind is fed by the emotions, the masculine is fed by the feminine, and in order to resolve an issue between the mind and feelings, the feelings must be raised, felt and finally truly understood before release can occur. It actually is the job of the feminine to reveal the truth of underlying energetics, so that the mind can learn from that revelation.

Without this revealing by the feminine, the masculine is left with the only thing it naturally can do, which is focus on the "known", or rather... run and re-run, over and over, what it knows from the past, because it has no entry point to the present, where truth lives. The feminine provides the access point for the mind to enter the present, and it does so by truthfully revealing what exists in the present.

In other words, it starts with the feminine. This is true within the self, as well as within a male/female relationship. The outer relationship is reflective of the energies within each party. I want to add, however, that it is often not necessary to actually, actively involve another person in this truth revealing. Even the person with whom the entanglement exists.

The reason is because, once the truth is revealed within our own energies, we literally emanate differently in this realm. THIS has an effect that we need not concern ourselves with except to know that we've done our part and the rest can take care of itself.

But in actuality, if you truly release this energy between you within your own self, you will literally feel differently toward him, you will literally think differently when speaking with him, and literally give off "new energy" that he will consciously or unconsciously take in and learn from. You do not have to "direct" the process outside of you. You only need concern yourself with your own revealing/healing process. Does this make sense?

By not properly raising, acknowledging, feeling and understanding the feelings left hidden inside, you provide the motivational energy for him (and your own mind, unconsciously or "automatically") to continue to try to keep alive the old relationship pattern, or the old dynamic between you. The old unhealthy connection between you. No matter how much it seems growth has occurred and you’ve both moved on, there is something not clearly revealed and healed between you that maintains the ill-health, or decay factor… in both your lives.

I get a sense that he can’t heal his end unless you unearth, face and heal yours… almost as if this is by design, but also because it follows nature (again, the feminine being the starter fluid for what‘s conceived and birthed by the twosome).

That's what I get, SeaofFeeling, I sure hope you find it useful to you! ((((Hugs!)))) Blessings to you in discovering the life meaning in your dream messages!


Reply By Sea - Sowelu, Wow... I feel somewhat overwhelmed, but not exactly sure why. I felt emotional reading your reply, and I will have to read it again, several times, to really absorb everything. But I wanted to thank you for such a thoughtful, insightful interpretation. Your reply speaks to me in a gentle, yet strong and meaningful way. It's hard to bring my feelings into words right now, because I'm really left more with emotion rather than thought.

But what emerges clearest to me is that it further drives home the point that I have more to look at within myself. I do admit, I'm surprised, because I'm a therapist myself and thought I had figured out all of my issues by now. But maybe I am overestimating my own self-awareness or I'm not processing what's there. I'm not sure. But your reply motivates me to continue to search and solve the mystery that is myself.

I especially resonate with the last part where you mentioned that my ex can't resolve his stuff until I figure out and resolve mine. Our paths and healing process do seem intertwined, which made me think of a possible past life connection. Plus, I've definitely been the emotional keeper, and the analyst in the relationship. I'm probably not making much sense. I'll likely post more later, when I have digested everything more fully and gotten my thoughts together. But for now, I just wanted to express my appreciation to you for helping me in my journey.
Love, Sea

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