
Sunday, 13 November 2011


Dream By Lilihanna - So last night I had this incredible dream and want to share it here partly to help me remember it and partly to help me understand it. I was in some kind of hotel/office building lobby waiting for an elevator...the freight elevator. I stood with other people for a while and they eventually left and I was there alone. The elevator door was flapping half open and the elevator never really came.

Finally I went over to another part of the lobby and there were dozens of people waiting in front of a bank of elevators. I realized I was in an office building at this point and trying to figure out the name of the person to whom I was going to see...who happened to be my lawyer.

After waiting a while and in line and never really getting closer to the elevator I suddenly realized I needed to get away from those people really fast that they were doomed in some way, as though getting onto a cattle cart or other passage to no where. I went back to the freight elevator.

As I awaited the now closed doors of the freight elevator to open, there started some seepage from under the door. It was seeping with urine and excrement and vomit. The longer I stood there the more vileness seeped out from under the door into the lobby. No one else seemed to notice it.

I ran away knowing I couldn't stay there either and found some kind of passage way into the lower portion of the building where I wandered and was led through a maze of hallways and rooms, some of which had people and some didn't.

In one room there was a woman with dyed, bright red hair, all spikey, and she started to take me on some kind of a tour through a museum sort of, old house, from the 1800's. At one point I realized I was holding on to my son's hand and that he was about 2-3 years old. Although it was my son, I was referring to him as Oscar, which is one of my cats' names.

I had a sense of urgency and finally had to break away from this weird tour of this old house/art and off into a dark, nighttime area, can't say if it was inside or out.

Next thing I knew I was in a room filled with people and many, many children of all ages and my son and I were pushing and shoving to be somewhere and it was urgent and pressing and I was frantic. Somehow I let go of his hand or he wandered away to do his own thing and got involved with the other people and kids...he did, not me.

At first he was looking for me and calling for me and I was calling for him over and over, Oscar, Oscar. As I was looking for him and calling him I was also moving very quickly toward a peculiar door/portal. It was made of gray metal and had an odd latch on it. I had to turn the latch and hold it or it would snap closed and not reopen. There was another door/portal just behind it the same. These were more like port holes, round, gray, heavy metal and only worked one way and only able to be opened one time. They were also very small and I had to shimmie up on my stomach over bolder-like rocks to get to them.

I was straining and reaching for the first and got it opened and then the second all the while calling for my son, Oscar, Oscar in a panic. I knew I had to go through those doors and didn't want to leave him behind. At one moment I had a flash and that was I had to choose to either go through the doors or go back and get him. Since I had already opened them, I knew if I let go and went back for my son I wouldn't be able to pass through the holes again. That they would close forever.

I kept calling and calling for him in a panic. (BTW, I have no idea where my daughter or any of my pets were in this dream). As I stretched back down the rocky boulders I kept my right hand on the latch of the second door but felt it slipping through my fingers.

Finally I knew I had to choose and that he wouldn't come to my call. I either had to let go and go back for him or I had to go through and let go of him. It tore me apart inside but I went through the doors and they snapped closed and latched behind me and then disappeared never to be found again.

On the other side of the doors I found myself in a darkened room with a small night light on or a low lit lamp of some kind. There was a tall slender man asleep on the floor under a sheet. He was very tall and thin and he was naked. I didnt' actually see that he was naked, but I knew it.

The room was set up as some kind of bachelor pad, or a dorm room or some other kind of living/sleeping place for a young, single man.

As I entered the man gracefully glided up from the sleeping postion to a standing postion and as he did so he went from being a very tall, ethereal being to being a shorter, squatter, muscular stockier young man, naked with incredibly white skin...almost translucent. He had no hair on his body and no genitals and held his hand almost casually over the area where his genitles would have been. Otherwise he was completelly male.

He had long, shoulder length bright, deep carrot top red wavy hair and blue eyes. He said to me, Hello! I'll be your guide from here. My name is Bob. Next thing I knew he was dressed in one of those beach bum net type tee shirts and a pair of tan cargo shorts looking like any other 20 something kinda guy.

All I can remember after that was walking down a hall with him and leaning up really close to him along his right side and kissing his shoulder.. It was somewhat amorous of me and he didin't openly reject me but made it plain that this was not acceptable to him. I was surprised at myself because it was not like me to do something like that. Also because he was so young (and I'm not).

I woke up moaning and crying over the loss of my son and knew I had stepped over into the next something or other. I don't generally remember my dreams nor do I generally dream like this.

On the night of 12:12 I was with my Shaman friend and in a group and we worked on the Labyrinth. We traverssed two labyrinths with our hands and eyes. At the end of the evening she said we needed to pay attention and also to visualize bringing the treachings of the labyrinth to our first chakra so we would be able to connect with the earth. She told us to pay attention to our dreams and ask for a message in our dreams. This dream was obviously my message. Although I had other dreams since then and all very intense and some nightmares, this is the only one I remember.

I sure would like to hear what others think about this. I have some ideas but it was really big and I know there is something very important for me here.

Looking forward to your responses.


Reply By Sowelu - (((Hiya Liliahnah!))) Well, this was a difficult interp, for some reason. I experienced energetic sluggishness, a headache and a foggy sense of incomprehension as I attempted to work with your dream. This energetic state was not "mine", and when I walked away from the dream it dissipated.

I know I'm empathic and it's been causing troubles for me lately, though I don't know if that's the case here. I had a confirmation today that much of what I'm feeling lately is not mine, and it seems to be part of a shift I've been going through. So... perhaps this is what you've been feeling, not sure.

I also havent' been doing many dream interpretations anymore, because I seem to be moving in a different direction. That may also account for some of the difficulty I had in getting into the symbolic level to translate. This is what I gleaned, however, and I ask that you of course use your discernment and take what resonates for you, toss the rest.

"So last night I had this incredible dream and want to share it here partly to help me remember it and partly to help me understand it. I was in some kind of hotel/office building lobby waiting for an elevator...the freight elevator. I stood with other people for a while and they eventually left and I was there alone. The elevator door was flapping half open and the elevator never really came."

With a lobby of a hotel/office building as the initial setting of the dream there is an implication that you are finding yourself at a time in life where you have great potential, but it doesn't seem to ever really take off, so to speak. A freight elevator implies a desire to rise upward with excess baggage or a heavy load, indicating emotions, perhaps. You've been in this place in self for a while now, and have been waiting for your cue to shift upward, but it never comes. At some point you realize you "stand alone" in this patient wait for upward rise, indicating perhaps that it won't happen with the burden still in place. In fact, even the vehicle for rising with baggage is dysfunctional (flapping door, no elevator).

Quote: "Finally I went over to another part of the lobby and there were dozens of people waiting in front of a bank of elevators. I realized I was in an office building at this point and trying to figure out the name of the person to whom I was going to see...who happened to be my lawyer".
Once you realize that it isn't going to happen in the way you thought, you gravitate to a stance that's more "going with the crowd" and even perhaps "doing the work". From this position, you endeavor to gain assistance from guidance (lawyer).

Quote: "After waiting a while and in line and never really getting closer to the elevator I suddenly realized I needed to get away from those people really fast that they were doomed in some way, as though getting onto a cattle care or other passage to no where. I went back to the freight elevator".

But while "waiting your turn" in some sense, not quite reaching any goal or feeling any closer to an upward shift, nor accessing guidance, you suddenly get an inner sense that impinges on your awareness that "going with the crowd" is not for you. Something is amiss with their plan for rising upward (whatever it may be, which isn't clear here, but perhaps you'll know what this group represents).

So… without another alternative obvious, you go back to your previous stance of waiting patiently to rise upward with your "freight", in lieu of "doing the work" or "going with the crowd".

Quote: "As I awaited the now closed doors of the freight elevator to open, there started some seepage from under the door. I was seeping with urine and excrement and vomit. The longer I stood there the more vileness seeped out from under the door into the lobby. No one else seemed to notice it."

But you soon realize that this too isn't quite what you need or want. In fact, the vehicle for upward shifting that you'd been waiting on is loaded with all kinds of shit you simply can't abide. YOU see it, even if no one else does. The vile stuff that's seeping out of this elevator represents your own negativity, "waste" products and indigestible concepts and ideas.

Quote: "I ran away knowing I couldn't stay there either and found some kind of passage way into the lower portion of the building where I wandered and was led through a maze of hallways and rooms, some of which had people and some didn't".

It seems that you discover "another way". Whether this is an actual "upward" movement that constitutes raising frequency is unclear, but it certainly has a meandering, unclear nature to it. This creates a rather confusing path for a while, where you sometimes meet up with others also dealing with the confusion, but are often alone in it.

Quote: "In one room there was a woman with dyed, bright red hair, all spikey, and she started to take me on some kind of a tour through a museum sort of, old house, from the 1800's. At one point I realized I was holding on to my son's hand and that he was about 2-3 years old. Although it was my son, I was referring to him as Oscar, which is one of my cats' names".

Finally you meet up with someone who you not only relate to (interact with in dream), but who provides you with a tour of your old self, so to say, or even a past self from which you may have acquired some of what you carry around as a burden (museum/old house). This woman "guiding you" is a reflection of a part of self that likely leads in your personality self.

Her hair indicates a sharp, aggressive, passionate and potentially angry mind. So this adult feminine energy with shocking, pointed attitude (symbolically represented by the hair, even if her demeanor was not that), is showing you some of the outdated programs and ideas (hair, again, and museum/house), as well knowledge (museum) to be integrated from the past.

As this is happening, you suddenly realize that you're still holding onto your inner child, which is your "lower, child" feminine aspect (bear with me). It's almost as though you "click" with the idea that the adult angry feminine stems from this inner child you continue to cling to here. In other words, as you tour the museum of Self with this female with the red hair as your "guide", you come to the realization that you still carry this child, and that it's the "source" of the aspect of self the woman represents for you.

While you know him as your son, a masculine symbol, calling him "Oscar" provides the clue that it is not so much about the aggressive masculine energy of what you give out of yourself, but the feminine source of that, that's being pointed to in his image being used by your psyche It's a metaphoric representation of the idea that your childlike son's image is actually identifiable as your base, lower feminine aspect (cat, cat's name/identity).

Quote: "I had a sense of urgency and finally had to break away from this weird tour of this old house/art and off into a dark, night time area, can't say if it was inside or out".

The sense of urgency may imply that something now must be done regarding what you just realized regarding the child self. It's as if you've connected with the information you needed from this tour, and now you're pressed to move on, get down to business in dealing with what you've learned. That… or you felt a need to get away from the realization because you were uncomfortable with the implication of it.

At any rate, leaving the tour of past stuff brings you smack into unclear territory. Dark and night in dreams indicate information and self energies that are not yet conscious and about which you have very little clarity. A bit of the unknown, sometimes fear, typically newly emerging understanding. Not knowing if it was inside or out is interesting. It implies that you aren't quite sure if the unknown territory you're entering is feminine (emotional) or masculine (mental) in nature, perhaps (inside=fem; out=masc), or if it has to do with "your own stuff" or things you took on from others… that sort of thing.

Quote: "Next thing I knew I was in a room filled with people and many, many children of all ages and my son and I were pushing and shoving to be somewhere and it was urgent and pressing and I was frantic. Somehow I let go of his hand or he wandered away to do his own thing and got involved with the other people and kids...he did, not me".

Rooms indicate a "state of self" or aspect of self. Being filled with people and children would indicate a place in self where many parts meet. A gathering of "all your selves", so to speak, in a common space. This is typically a positive situation in a dream, unless there is unrest among the crowd. I also get a sense that this crowd of adults and children might metaphorically translate to 3D mass consciousness, so to speak. Almost as though you've collected all your parts at this level, completed a portion of the greater Self's work.

But you feel this urgency to move on, press on, go somewhere, do something. The words "your calling" came in here, as though you don't perhaps consciously understand why, but you cannot be restful in this place where your many parts of Self meet. You must continue on. There is something more for you.

Your son disconnecting from you and getting involved with other people and kids feels to be a natural occurrence, not contrived or induced. Somehow, it happened of its own accord, so to say. The sense is that he fit there, you did not.

Quote: "At first he was looking for me and calling for me and I was calling for him over and over, Oscar, Oscar. As I was looking for him and calling him I was also moving very quickly toward a peculiar door/portal. It was made of gray metal and had an odd latch on it. I had to turn the latch and hold it or it would snap closed and not reopen. There was another door/portal just behind it the same. These were more like port holes, round, gray, heavy metal and only worked one way and only able to be opened one time. They were also very small and I had to shimmie up on my stomach over bolder-like rocks to get to them".

My sense here with you calling to each other is that this is a description of what happens when we first begin to break away from the old relationship within, between our Self and our inner child. We are so ingrained in sticking together, remaining "in touch" that we keep seeking each other out even after it's no longer appropriate, for a sense of the familiar. To "re-stabilize", almost.

But you are being inexorably pulled away from this relationship stasis, and onto something new: The opportunity/potential (door) for a new level of wholeness (round), that involves neutrality (gray) and strength (metal) unknown to the previous version of self with inner child intact.

This is the significance of that latch, as well. Where you're headed, the inner child cannot go. Too, it's a "one-way" path. Once you pass through this initiation phase that will affect a new balance in self (2 port holes/doors), you cannot go back. The eye of the needle comes to mind here, as well. It's a narrow path, this transition phase. And things get a little rocky, literally, just before entering it.

Crawling/shimmying on your stomach indicates a few things; a certain level of humbleness, that it's a difficult task, the fact that it requires willpower and determination to achieve, and that it's not about "standing tall". Having to traverse rocks is interesting too because they are grounding and help us get in touch with our personal power.

Quote: "I was straining and reaching for the first and got it opened and then the second all the while calling for my son, Oscar, Oscar in a panic. I knew I had to go through those doors and didn't want to leave him behind. At one moment I had a flash and that was I had to choose to either go through the doors or go back and get him. Since I had already opened them, I knew if I let go and went back for my son I wouldn't be able to pass through the holes again. That they would close forever.

I kept calling and calling for him in a panic. (BTW, I have no idea where my daughter or any of my pets were in this dream). As I stretched back down the rocky boulders I kept my right hand on the latch of the second door but felt it slipping through my fingers.

Finally I knew I had to choose and that he wouldn't come to my call. I either had to let go and go back for him or I had to go through and let go of him. It tore me apart inside but I went through the doors and they snapped closed and latched behind me and then disappeared never to be found again."

The entire section seems to be describing the actual process of separation, and how painful you find it to be. Remember that even in this dream, there is nothing negative happening to your son, nor are you in any real danger. It is merely the sense of separation or loss… and this points to the Self, and identity.

You clearly saw the opportunity presented, which is the first hurdle of this transitioning phase, and were open to it. However all the while you continued to look backward and extend your desire in that backward direction, wanting to maintain the relationship with your inner child. In the end you realize, though, that it can't be that way and you must let go. You would literally have to regress in yourself, move in a backward direction in your life, in order to reconnect with your inner child the way you want to, and that's just not what your life and this transition are about.

So you finally let go and move forward, and notice that the way in to you is no longer there. Another indicator that the inner child does not belong where you've moved to. The pathway there has disappeared. It was only for you. Of course, you also can't go back, which you knew would be the case, though seeing that truth likely had its impact.

Quote: "On the other side of the doors I found myself in a darkened room with a small night light on or a low lit lamp of some kind. There was a tall slender man asleep on the floor under a sheet. He was very tall and thin and he was naked. I didnt' actually see that he was naked, but I knew it.

The room was set up as some kind of bachelor pad, or a dorm room or some other kind of living/sleeping place for a young, single man".

And now you find yourself in a whole new aspect of self, seemingly masculine though not quite in the human masculine sense. The dim light that was present in this room indicates that you have "enough light to see", but not quite enough to fully comprehend what is being revealed at this stage of the dream. This male is an active aspect (masculine is the active principle) that has been unconscious to you until you arrive. This aspect of self extends to greater heights than is common. (Sheets in dreams reveal an intimate connection in Self, often pointing to the unconscious.) This is a part of you that has lain quietly within, waiting for the appropriate time to become more visible to you. Knowing he was naked under the sheet indicates that you have an awareness that this level of self, this aspect, has no masking or layers of protection. It is open, not hiding anything.

His quarters indicate that he exists in a somewhat solitary state, and that this is as designed. Your sense of his youth is interesting, as though you are seeing a non-human aspect of self through human eyes and paradigms of thought. As a more mature human being, you recognize that while this being may exist at a level you have only just reached yourself, he is perhaps not as mature in his vernacular, as you are in yours, though you might have expected otherwise.

Quote: "As I entered the man gracefully glided up from the sleeping postion to a standing postion and as he did so he went from being a very tall, ethereal being to being a shorter, squatter, muscular stockier young man, naked with incredibly white skin...almost translucent. He had no hair on his body and no genitals and held his hand almost casually over the area where his genitals would have been. Otherwise he was completely male.

He had long, shoulder length bright, deep carrot top red wavy hair and blue eyes. He said to me, Hello! I'll be your guide from here. My name is Bob. Next thing I knew he was dressed in one of those beach bum net type tee shirts and a pair of tan cargo shorts looking like any other 20 something kinda guy.

All I can remember after that was walking down a hall with him and leaning up really close to him along his right side and kissing his shoulder.. It was somewhat amorous of me and he didin't openly reject me but made it plain that this was not acceptable to him. I was surprised at myself because it was not like me to do something like that. Also because he was so young (and I'm not)".

His transformation as he stands may indicate that this level of being is more flexible or malleable and that perhaps you will need to develop a disciplined "muscle" (power/strength) as you explore it. Again red hair indicates a certain level of energetic power, but it's waves, rather than spikes, indicate a shift from aggression to a sense of allowing your mental energy to "go with the flow" rather than being sharp and pointed. It also seems to represent a sense of continuity from the previous guide/representative of Self, allowing for a bit of familiarity, energy-wise. In other words, it's not really all that foreign to you, it just has a different form of expression than what you're used to.

You find you are attracted to this new level of self, but it's made clear that it isn't appropriate yet for you to merge with it. The sense here is that there is much still unknown for you at this level, and he is a denizen of this level… therefore you are not equals as yet.

Well that's my take, Liliahnah. I hope it helps you some!! (((((Hugs!)))))

Love you!

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