
Thursday 2 December 2010

Hippie Flower

Dream By Dany - In a dream I've had before, I was on the passenger side in the back of a car someone else was driving. I saw the car take a right to go under a freeway bridge, and everything seemed normal until I saw a dried-up field of (wheat?) to my left. At that point, I no longer seemed to be in a car.

I took a right a right and I ended up being in a strange place. There were concrete walls (with many faucets on them, which seemed to be scattered) on my left and right, and there were many people there too. I continued until I reached the end of that place, and I saw and opening on my left. There seemed to be an ocean or something there.
I also saw a yellow submarine right on the opening. I got in, and the submarine traveled for 2 seconds and popped up somewhere else. Then a gray screen popped up with "WHAT?" in giant letters and a hippie flower under it. Thanks.

Reply By Sowelu - Hi Dany! Being in a car often indicates that the dream is a commentary on your physical, daily life at the time of the dream. If you're not in the driver's seat, someone or something else is in control of your life. Whatever that something is, it is not your true, essential self.

Moving to the right in a dream indicates gaining a more spiritual perspective or moving toward one's inner sense of self. Moving to the left indicates intellectualizing or gaining a conscious understanding.

Bridges often indicate a transition from the old to the new, or a bridging of the intellect with the spiritual in one's life. Mind and heart, matter and spirit... the wholeness concept.

Driving under a bridge may denote living below this potential, or that the idea of conscious change, blending one's intellect with one's inner sense or intuition, is "over your head" at the time of the dream. You missed the on ramp, so to say, and so the dream shows you what IS for you now, and maybe even answers some why questions you may have about what's missing in your life (?).

Highways and freeways are indicative of the higher path of spiritual integration in one's life affording a broader, more expansive view, as well as an increase in opportunities to discover freedom from the mundane or struggle level of living.

Fields of crops are symbolic of the idea that what you sow, you reap. It points to the growth that comes from self-love and nurturing. Seeing this field with dried up wheat on the left may be intimating that your mind is not inspired because there's a lack of spiritual growth occurring at the time of the dream. Life indeed seems flat and deadened when we don't dip into the heart, our spiritual well, and work to gain higher and higher perspectives on the meaning of life.

From this recognition, no matter how conscious it was for you, you chose (in the dream) to go "to the right", which is a choice to move toward spiritual understanding. The result is that you find yourself not in a physical life, suddenly (car), but still existing. The implication is that there is far more to who we are than our physical selves. And this new idea seems "strange" to you in the dream.

What you see, when you step outside your daily life for a bit and into your inner sense of self, are concrete walls. Walls are formed in our emotional self, indicating that you're closed off from self and others. There is likely early cause for the sense of being closed off, learned behaviors that taught you to shut down the emotions and function in your physical life... achieve. But it leaves you without much meaning in life, eventually.This dream seems to be showing you that there are reasons you feel cut off from the joy of life, and it can be worked on to effect change.

Faucets on the walls point to the idea that you control your emotions, turn them on and off at will. However because these exist on the walls, it seems to be a message that you haven't chosen to "turn them on" very often, thereby creating these walls.

The many people are parts of self you're unfamiliar with as a result of closing off this emotional inner wellspring in self. That the people are on both your right and left indicates that you have the potential to open to more aspects of self both in feeling and in thoughts/beliefs and actions in life. In other words, by opening the faucets of your emotions, you open to far more of a rich life in all respects.

Once you encounter this concept, however, you shoot for an intellectual escape (to the left) though you DO choose to explore your emotional depths for a bit (submerged in water, protected in submarine). What you discover is fear (yellow of submarine, btw), insecurity and lifelessness (grey) that you don't truly understand.
It seems you wonder about the beauty and fulfillment potential in life (grey screen, question and flower) after your brief exploration, almost like saying, "Ok, I saw all this emotional stuff and I don't get how it's supposed to help me find fulfillment."

The screen indicates, however, that your understanding and view of so much (of your own emotional depths) is filtered through those very emotions in repression - fear and other "dark" emotion. Again, BECAUSE you're viewing them through the intellect, and the intellect is tainted BY them.

The flow of all things in life is from the inner to the outer. The emotions are inner, the mind is outer. So the first part of your energies, your emotions, are the inspiration for your mind's view of all things. Your emotions are the source of inspiration that feeds your mind the energy to form thoughts and perform actions in the world.

And until you truly delve into exploring and releasing those negative emotions inside you by FEELING them, allowing them true expression, instead of keeping them in repression and judgement through the intellect, life will continue to be seen through your mind that is filtered, blocking out the  joy, and even the path to joy.
This concept is unfamiliar to a great many people, and this world is set up with such an outer focus, that it makes sense that so many people don't get how to evoke true change in their lives. As long as we have "energy in suppression/repression", which is negative emotions held inside and avoided or denied true expression, our MINDS are limited in their ability to perceive life.

In an attempt to provide an example of how this is and how it works, imagine someone with a fear of heights. They cannot climb a ladder to the rooftop, or go up an elevator to the top floor of a building and look out from that height. Their desperate fear prevents them. As a result, they simply cannot perceive above ground level in any way.

Their vision of life is limited. Not only limited, but blocked by other people, buildings, trees... you name it. And they may never realize that only a few blocks away there is an incredibly beautiful vista to behold, because they can never get high enough to see this truth. They can't perceive a freedom from their blocks, because their blocks prevent it.

But you can see (if you don't have a fear of heights) that it's not because they're stuck on the ground for real. It's because their FEAR prevents them from climbing higher. The fear energy is what holds back their ability to see higher and more fully. The problem is not the people and the buildings and the trees in their way, nor even the fact that they're in a human form that can't really fly... That's my view of your dream, take what fits, toss the rest! Blessings to you in discovering the life meaning in your dream messages!

Namasté, Sowelu

Reply By Dany - I'm not sure if it matters (I think it does), but I live close to a freeway, which I see everyday, I go outside my house. Also, in school, I never struggled to learn something... anything... it's like my mind is a giant sponge and information is water I am not dumb, and school never challenged me before. (I define challenge as something that it's possible to fail at, even though effort is given.) I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm bragging or showing off  I could also usually study a list of words I don't know and memorize all of them in 5 minutes, and for tests on facts, 10 minutes... Math seems simple to me.

Also, in my dream, the freeway looked like the one I live by. And where there were concrete walls, I only saw people on my left, and at the end (the wall in front of me that only let me go left) I don't recall looking to my right in the dream, although I recall that I knew there was a wall behind me (one of those things you just know in a dream), so I can't say there were faucets on the right wall, and there were no faucets on the wall in front of me either, and the path I took seemed to be narrow.

One more thing: I don't associate the color yellow with fear, although I know it's done by some people. What I do associate with fear is a black and yellow together (like a tiger, but instead of yellow stripes, it would be yellow spots), and I don't associate the color gray with anything.There usually has to be a combination of colors to stimulate a feeling or thought, except for blue, which makes me think of calm, cold (I like coldness by the way, not freezing, but cool: a little colder than a grocery store by the freezer section.) I associate yellow with heat, but I usually don't unless it's alot of yellow. Yellow seems unattractive to me (I'd rather see blue and green, or blue and black).

And last, but not least, I am left-handed, and when I went right after passing the bridge, I only had the choice to go forward or right, not left.

Thanks Dany

Reply By Sowelu - Hi Dany! Well of course your additional input matters!  And you don't sound like you're bragging at all. There are some things we know about ourselves through observation and experience, and that's what it seemed to me you shared. Given that additional input, perhaps you do have a developed or "natural" intellect, so perhaps the message in this dream is that there is more to who you are that's worth exploring. ???

Our psyche will actually most often use symbols from our regular daily life experiences for our dreamscapes. It's not unusual to see a highway that's familiar, a person you just walked passed today at the store, the old neighborhood you grew up in, etc. The key is to figure out why your psyche chose that particular everyday image in that particular dream. Sometimes it's because the symbol is something we've gotten so used to we don't really see it anymore, or disregard it as significant in our daily life experiences, yet it HAS significance and it's time to discover it.

Sometimes it's because we DID notice it and felt something but let the thought go before it matured in a daily life experience... whatever the reason, however, there is one, and its discovery is part and parcel of the work of translating our dreams.  When you gain a deep inner feel for the symbology of dreams, it's common to begin to see that life itself is filled with similar symbols, and the symbology of our daily life experiences starts to become more obvious. This type of life understanding may be part of what was being hinted at in your dream, in fact.

Individual associations with symbols plays an important role in interpreting dreams, as you can likely imagine, so your sense of some of the imagery can change the message of your dream quite a bit. If there were any points in the view I offered that made sense to you, perhaps they could act as a starting point so that you can discover your own sense of the meaning of this dream from there.

The thing about dreams and this entire field of endeavor is that it isn't an exact science written in stone. Each of us has a slightly different understanding of not only the various symbols that may appear in a dream, but also of the essence and meaning of dreams themselves. In a very real way life is subjective, dreams perhaps more so. Some of us come from the understanding, though, that there is an underlying, universal similarity in life experiences and the symbols that point to it. That symbology is a universal language that translates across all borders, cultures and eras, and describes the human experience of life itself, over and over, from a higher viewpoint, almost insisting that we learn to rise to its example.

To give an example of a particular view of something that occurred in your dream where your feel and mine differed something that has a concrete scientific base yet a subjective interpretation... is the frequency of light wave bands that we call "colors".

The slowest and "heaviest" vibrations of light waves are in the black range and move upward to red. As red turns to orange we move into a new band of light frequency that is somewhat faster and "lighter", then up through yellow, green, blue, and so on, until you reach pure white, the fastest and "highest" frequency.

If you look at the world we live in, this denseness-to-lightness (in weight) seems to roughly be displayed by, say, the black coal in the (brown) earth or red clay, on up through grass and flowers and trees, continuing upward until you reach the blue sky with it's sometimes splattering of white clouds... in other words, the heavier, denser or more matter-solid something is, the lower in our environment it tends to naturally exist. The slower it vibrates, the more solid and stationary it is.

This is conceptual and symbolic, however, not always literal, bear in mind. Most esoteric material points the seeker in the direction of their inner senses, their "within", to sense the meaning and full concept of something without necessarily needing the 5 physical senses. And esoteric teachings typically gravitate toward what might be termed "universal ideas", or even hint at a possible objective reality from which our subjective one is borne.

Many different fields of study have assigned different characteristics to these various light frequency bands, or energy expressed as light, so that some will attribute certain emotions to certain colors, or even foods that are of a certain color exist in a certain frequency band and therefore are said to be more or less easily absorbed/digested by the body.

In other words, the energy frequencies that form the various light waves that we see as "color" also have another essence to them, energetically, and that essence is interpretted differently, in a subjective manner, by different perceivers. Many spiritual bodies of knowledge attribute colors, and the energy frequency band they represent/inhabit, to energy centers of the body called chakras.

These energy centers (7 main ones in many texts) follow the energy channel of the body upward (the spine) and have the rainbow of light colors attributed to them all the way up. Red is the color of the 1st chakra at the base of the spine, on up the various centers with orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and finally violet at the crown or top of the head.

Again, the implication is that we (our own energy field) vibrate denser and slower the closer to the earth our life force energy is, and lighter and lighter as we move upward. Emotion in repression would fall into the black or red or darker color range, because it is energy that is not allowed free expression or "light" to be shed upon it. So fear represented as the color black does make sense in this scheme of understanding, as you mentioned.

Yellow as fear, however, fits this scheme as well, if one recognizes yellow as the frequency of light that "lives" in this 3D realm right about at the level of the average person's solar plexus, just below the heart. "Gut" feelings and our natural instinct for survival of the self stems from this general area.

The implication is that our basic, or base, survival instinct is predicated on the fear of death. Constantly seeking out threats and protecting against them is what keeps the physical self alive. Not necessarily "bad" or "wrong", btw. In the esoteric view, however, physical life is temporary (and illusory, but that's another conversation! LOL!) and it's not necessary to protect against physical death at all costs... but to the physical "animal", just the opposite is true.

So in the esoteric view, the yellow vibration of light frequency in a 3 dimensional realm contains the fear of death as the motivating force of action, therefore yellow = fear. It is KNOWN fear, though, or a fear with some light shed upon it, as opposed to the black of repressed, suppressed or unknown fears.

At the very least, you just got an eyeful of where I was coming from in that interp on that one color symbol, Dany - LOL!! Hopefully, though, these were some ideas to consider in developing further your own sense of symbolic understanding to assist in interpreting dreams and life events for yourself. (Hope I didn't bore you with all this *heehee*) And remember, this is just one person's view of a very small piece of the pie of possibilities. Right here on this board you'll find folks whose understanding of all of this differs... Sounds like you have plenty to start with without my input, though, to find your way to a meaningful translation of your dream, Dany. I wish you well!!

Namasté, Sowelu

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