
Tuesday 7 December 2010

Red Car

Dream By John – I had a dream that I was running away from the police and one of my students (woman) pulled up in a red sports car and I put a gun to her head and told her to drive. This was after one of my male students drove by and did not let me ride in their car. Does this mean that I am in love with the woman in the red sports car who saves me?

Reply By Sowelu -   Hi John! Police represent some masculine authority, often beliefs or thoughts and attitudes that could assist you in life, if you allow them. Running from them indicates that you are not currently able to “ask for or receive higher help”, and there is a reason.

Females in dreams often represent feelings or emotions. Red is often associated with anger as is the gun (aggressive masculine energy). Cars symbolize one’s daily life. Students would be “subordinates” as well as your responsibility.

All in all, I’d say that your life is currently being driven by some anger that you attempt to control (holding the gun to her head), and it takes you away from a higher awareness or helpful solution to something at issue in your life.

The male students may symbolize other thought patterns, not borne of anger, that you could have utilized to take you through your situation, but you missed them due to the anger, not love, which is your current motivating force. That’s my view, take what fits, toss the rest! Blessings to you in discovering the life meaning in your dream messages!

Namasté, Sowelu

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