
Tuesday 7 December 2010

Tame Tiger

Dream by Jenny - I have had exactly the same dream twice the first dream was in a previous post (ref Tiger)  but THIS TIME in this second dream right up to where a man stands in the door way and says he wants to talk, hes not going to hurt or harm me.

I actually agree to talk to him, but and hes kneeling in front me and talking to me, then kisses me on the lips (I don’t kiss him back) and then he says he wants to be friends and be close to me, and the next thing I know is that he puts a ring on my fourth finger on my left hand (the wedding band finger !).

I then feel very affectionate to him, or feel his affection and our cheeks are touching each other, like a caress with my face, nuzzling ….. (ugh! I can’t believe this happened) and then I somehow have my arm extended behind his neck around his shoulder, and I see that I have a thin gold bracelet on my right wrist.

Reply By Sowelu - Hi Jenny! I’d like to invite you to consider that all people in your dreams are symbolic of parts of yourself, to begin with. Males in dreams often represent thoughts, new ideas, beliefs, attitudes or behaviors that you encounter in your daily life or are considering for yourself.

When the male is unknown to you, he most often symbolizes a new concept you hadn’t considered before, a new belief possibility, a fearful realization, or a new behavior you’ve just been introduced in life. In the case of the behavior, it’s often one whose ramifications you are still unaware of, should you choose to engage in the behavior.

Your emotional response (fear, sense of urgency) indicates how you feel about this new something that might enter your daily life experience. This is important to understand, because what we fear can very often become magnified (painfully, usually) in daily life so that we must face it and understand why we feared it all along.

Another idea for consideration: Our spiritual self is never in a rush. There is never a true emergency. All is improved if we calm, center ourselves and consider openly what the seeming emergency or hasty event in daily life truly represents for us.

It is the gaining of knowledge that we are here to attain in this life. We can acquire knowledge through painful experience, or through deep introspection and careful consideration. Or both, which is most often the case. We can literally make a “federal case” of something, as they say, through our scattered energies when facing the cirucmstance.

Tigers, though yours is termed “tame”, most often represent anger or aggressive energy in self. To have a tamed tiger in a dream may well indicate a suppressed anger that is ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. This would be something YOU carry with you in life, not another.

When we reveal to ourselves, through introspection or experience, the depth of suppressed emotions/energies we carry around with us as baggage, we free these suppressed/dark energies into the light of understanding, and end up freeing ourselves of their influence to create painful circumstances in our lives.

With all of that said, it seems to me that these dreams may be attempting to impart the wisdom to you that the power of your currently “tamed” anger within can be your friend if dealt with properly. Acknowledging what we hold within, determining its source and using it appropriately is a healthy path of becoming responsible for ourselves in life. It seems to me that this may be the new idea to consider, being offered in these dreams.

As long as we refuse to acknowledge what lies hidden within us, and project it onto the world and people around us, it will come back and “bite us” painfully. This is how this world is designed to work. What we see immediately outside of us, in our environment and people we interact with, is a reflection for us of what lies within us, that we have not yet been able to see clearly.

In both dreams the neck, throat or shoulder area is emphasized. This may indicate your verbal expressiveness. I don’t know if you tend to be blunt, harsh or without tact in your verbal expressions, but this possibility came to mind. If so, it likely stems from some old anger or sense of  false "need” to do so. This would be the tiger, perhaps. Again, if this were the case, this dream might be saying that when you do this you invite situations where defense becomes necessary. You attract more pain into your life through this unnecessaary aggressive tendency.

If that’s not the case for you, then there is likely something else that you are being asked to recognize, and become “friends” with inside. Understand where it stems from in you, become one who uses this something by conscious choice, instead of it using you in life, causing you pain. Some ideas for your consideration, from my perspective, of course. Take what fits, toss the rest.  Blessings to you in discovering the life meaning in your dream messages!

Namasté, Sowelu

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