Dream By Nicole - Hi I keep having these strange dreams about spiders and being paralysed. With the spiders there will either be thousands of tiny spiders or one really big one crawling towards me to attack me. I have no idea why I keep dreaming about them, i’m not very afraid of them in reality…
I also have dreams that i’m paralysed. I don’t even know if they really are dreams. I don’t understand them. They are sooo scary, and they’re hard to explain. it’s like in my dream i’ll wake up but I can’t move, like i’m being forced to not move. The only thing I can do is kind of look around without moving my head. I can see the things in my room, and they all look just as if they would if I were awake, even my alarm clock will have the right time.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Dream Symbols - Seperation & Wholeness

In fact, the very experience of life in all its myriad form and detail springs forth from the very same pool of What Is that this symbolic language we encounter in our dreams does… in my experience. Thereby linking us all in a far more objective reality than our subjective experiences would seem to imply.
Caution, this is a long one as this is not a simple or easy concept to capture with words. In my experience and sense of things, this objective reality concept I mentioned is not “other”, in the sense that it doesn’t exist as an elsewhere source that we sometimes tap or only applies to this or that aspect or level of Being (i.e., humanity). It is the foundation of ALL expressions witnessed in Creation. Regardless of the “angle” from which you’re perceiving.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Dream By Revo - Hi everyone! my dream - I was in a room. I noticed three people sitting opposite me staring into a large screen. I knew I had been with these people before.
There was an open door. I stood and walked through the door. Outside, I walked down a enclosed walkway. At the exit I found myself in a large vacant area, like a crater. In the distance I saw one tree, the rest of the landscape was barren. I walked over to the tree. It was a land mark for me. I remember the landscape being unusual.
There was an open door. I stood and walked through the door. Outside, I walked down a enclosed walkway. At the exit I found myself in a large vacant area, like a crater. In the distance I saw one tree, the rest of the landscape was barren. I walked over to the tree. It was a land mark for me. I remember the landscape being unusual.
Red Car
Dream By John – I had a dream that I was running away from the police and one of my students (woman) pulled up in a red sports car and I put a gun to her head and told her to drive. This was after one of my male students drove by and did not let me ride in their car. Does this mean that I am in love with the woman in the red sports car who saves me?
Reply By Sowelu - Hi John! Police represent some masculine authority, often beliefs or thoughts and attitudes that could assist you in life, if you allow them. Running from them indicates that you are not currently able to “ask for or receive higher help”, and there is a reason.
Reply By Sowelu - Hi John! Police represent some masculine authority, often beliefs or thoughts and attitudes that could assist you in life, if you allow them. Running from them indicates that you are not currently able to “ask for or receive higher help”, and there is a reason.
Dream By Elif – Hi, lately I have read many dream posts in forums on nightmares about ghosts or being chased by ghosts. Can someone explain more about the subject of ghosts in dreams? Do you believe in them? or if they really exist can they be as terrifying as in the movies? Can anyone explain the subject of ghosts in a simple language that I can understand?…
For me, I never believed in ghosts but rather see them as souls of our ‘lost’ ones passd over. And if they really exist I wander how they can be so terrifying if they are the souls of those passed over (loved ones). They can only want to help us. Why are people afraid of them so much and how do they relate to our nightmares?
For me, I never believed in ghosts but rather see them as souls of our ‘lost’ ones passd over. And if they really exist I wander how they can be so terrifying if they are the souls of those passed over (loved ones). They can only want to help us. Why are people afraid of them so much and how do they relate to our nightmares?
Post By Katie – I am such a hateful person the past few years. I am not like this by nature. However, I spend a lot of time by myself. I feel hate towards almost everyone I meet and I have had visions of killing myself or hurting others. People who I have met but do not know me very well, say in these visions..crying..usually..why didn’t you come to me first?
The others, people who supposedly “care about me” show no emotion. I have had this hateful outlook towards the world for awhile now although I do try consistantly to improve myself through breathing, eating right,sleeping,exercising sometimes, taking care of my appearances…however, I cant’ seem to make myself be nice. I constantly HATE.
The others, people who supposedly “care about me” show no emotion. I have had this hateful outlook towards the world for awhile now although I do try consistantly to improve myself through breathing, eating right,sleeping,exercising sometimes, taking care of my appearances…however, I cant’ seem to make myself be nice. I constantly HATE.
Hospital Tests
Dream By Dreaming again - Good morning everyone! I had a dream last night but I can’t seem to remember much of it. I was working in a part of the hospital that must have been the lab. I had no experience and I believe in the dream I was supposed to have someone with me training me.
I was in the lab with two patients, one that needed blood taken and a urine test to see if she was pregnant, the other was in another room which I can’t seem to remember what he needed done, I believe some sort of blood test too.
I was in the lab with two patients, one that needed blood taken and a urine test to see if she was pregnant, the other was in another room which I can’t seem to remember what he needed done, I believe some sort of blood test too.
Tame Tiger
Dream by Jenny - I have had exactly the same dream twice the first dream was in a previous post (ref Tiger) but THIS TIME in this second dream right up to where a man stands in the door way and says he wants to talk, hes not going to hurt or harm me.
I actually agree to talk to him, but and hes kneeling in front me and talking to me, then kisses me on the lips (I don’t kiss him back) and then he says he wants to be friends and be close to me, and the next thing I know is that he puts a ring on my fourth finger on my left hand (the wedding band finger !).
I actually agree to talk to him, but and hes kneeling in front me and talking to me, then kisses me on the lips (I don’t kiss him back) and then he says he wants to be friends and be close to me, and the next thing I know is that he puts a ring on my fourth finger on my left hand (the wedding band finger !).
Breast Operation
Dream By Jeri – Hi everyone, I have a question about dreams…. do similar dreams forcast the same outcome?… That is do they mean the same thing? For Example…. I had a dream about having a breast augmentation, and ended up with a hole in my side where the stitching wasnt in tact and clear liquid pouring out of it.
Then I had a dream that I had a scar on my tummy that was horribly infected and icky stuff oozing from it. Would this basically mean the same thing? or is it a whole different ballgame because its a different part of the body? Thanks..
Then I had a dream that I had a scar on my tummy that was horribly infected and icky stuff oozing from it. Would this basically mean the same thing? or is it a whole different ballgame because its a different part of the body? Thanks..
Taxi Driver
Dream by Kristina - In the dream, I am in a taxi coming home from a trip to a house I was renting a room in. I am thankful everyone will be gone to work or school and I will have peace and quiet. The cabbie is a blond guy that is flirting with me. But I am too tired to flirt back even though I think he’s cute. As we pull up the driveway is extremely short and he only has room to pull up kinda sideways in the drive and on the side of the road to let me out.
Green Paint
Dream By Fluro – Hi Im just Wondering what pastel greenish/blue would mean, I’ve always dreamt of buildings with peeling paint in this color. Thanks!
Reply By Sowelu – Hiya! Hmmm… pale or pastel colors can often denote a lack of energy investment in the dreamer in the areas to which the colors point. Green might indicate growth, healing, creativity and expansiveness. Blue is often indicative of spirituality (if “cold” in the feel of the blue color, may denote emotional coldness).
Reply By Sowelu – Hiya! Hmmm… pale or pastel colors can often denote a lack of energy investment in the dreamer in the areas to which the colors point. Green might indicate growth, healing, creativity and expansiveness. Blue is often indicative of spirituality (if “cold” in the feel of the blue color, may denote emotional coldness).
Dream By Dany - In a dream I've had before, I was on the passenger side in the back of a car someone else was driving. I saw the car take a right to go under a freeway bridge, and everything seemed normal until I saw a dried-up field of (wheat?) to my left. At that point, I no longer seemed to be in a car.
I took a right a right and I ended up being in a strange place. There were concrete walls (with many faucets on them, which seemed to be scattered) on my left and right, and there were many people there too. I continued until I reached the end of that place, and I saw and opening on my left. There seemed to be an ocean or something there.
I took a right a right and I ended up being in a strange place. There were concrete walls (with many faucets on them, which seemed to be scattered) on my left and right, and there were many people there too. I continued until I reached the end of that place, and I saw and opening on my left. There seemed to be an ocean or something there.
Dead Sister
Dream By Lucidamy – Does anyone know anything about after death contact? meaning when you speak with loved ones in your dreams that are deceased. I speak and see my sister quite often.
She is the first. Recently it has been Zac. These are the only two that it has been with. This has not been happening with me for a very long time. Only the last three years and mostly with my sister. My sister is not by blood. I was adopted so in reality she would have been my cousin being as I was Adopted by my aunt. I hope that makes sense!
She is the first. Recently it has been Zac. These are the only two that it has been with. This has not been happening with me for a very long time. Only the last three years and mostly with my sister. My sister is not by blood. I was adopted so in reality she would have been my cousin being as I was Adopted by my aunt. I hope that makes sense!
Dreams in Black & White
Dream By Keith – Normally i don’t dream in colour, but I have a few times… does it mean anything if your dream is in colour?
Reply By Sowelu - Hey Keith! Actually… try this on for size We all dream in color but when we recall our dreams, we don’t retain that level of clarity. Our conscious mind has ”fit” the dream imagery into what it can logically understand.
Reply By Sowelu - Hey Keith! Actually… try this on for size We all dream in color but when we recall our dreams, we don’t retain that level of clarity. Our conscious mind has ”fit” the dream imagery into what it can logically understand.
Dream By TK – We all get those dreams about falling, right? Why exactly do we jump and find ourselves wondering what happened? today I heard that if you fall all the way to the bottom you’re dead, true or not true? And what does it mean if you are dead in your dream? T.K.
Reply By Sowelu - heh heh… HI! Well, I don’t know that you’ll get any definitive answers to these questions, because it’s all subjective and conjecture until the fat lady sings, so to speak… but I’ll offer my view, and perhaps others will as well.
Reply By Sowelu - heh heh… HI! Well, I don’t know that you’ll get any definitive answers to these questions, because it’s all subjective and conjecture until the fat lady sings, so to speak… but I’ll offer my view, and perhaps others will as well.
Dream High Ceilings & Crying
Dream by Dreaming Again – Ok this is the second time I dreamt that someone telling me I was going to die. Each time I’ve had to pester them for the answer, it was like they didn’t want to tell me. The first time it was a women and the second was a man (telling me).
Previous Dream: The women was on the phone and told me, “Crystal…your going to die”. I hung up on her and started crying.
Previous Dream: The women was on the phone and told me, “Crystal…your going to die”. I hung up on her and started crying.
Dream Teeth Falling Out
Dream By Danshea – Any thoughts about this dream I had last night? I occasionally dream in third-person, where I’m watching myself. This dream alternated between first- and third-person.
It’s my wedding day, and I’m getting ready. Putting on a powder-blue, frilly tuxedo. My teeth start to fall out; no blood, they just get loose and come out. I spit them into my palm. I only lose my lower teeth, and predominantly on the left side of my mouth.
It’s my wedding day, and I’m getting ready. Putting on a powder-blue, frilly tuxedo. My teeth start to fall out; no blood, they just get loose and come out. I spit them into my palm. I only lose my lower teeth, and predominantly on the left side of my mouth.
Being Chased
Dream By Kelly - I have had three similar dreams, they are not quite nightmares but they are a little frightening, but also exciting at the same time.
The first dream was about escaping from prision, I had people after me, so I had to keep hiding in railway stations, peoples houses and hiding in crowds.
The second was in my college where a person with a gun shot someone in the head and then turned to me, I had to run away very quickly jump in a car and flee.
The first dream was about escaping from prision, I had people after me, so I had to keep hiding in railway stations, peoples houses and hiding in crowds.
The second was in my college where a person with a gun shot someone in the head and then turned to me, I had to run away very quickly jump in a car and flee.
Dream By Spacecowgirl – I dreamt last night that I was at home, and every time I sat on a cushion, a worm came out. That kept happening, until the floor was filled with worms. They crawled around everywhere and I kept stepping on them. I must say, I have a phobia of worms, I really hate them. what does this mean ?
Reply By Sowelu – Hi Spacecowgirl! Well, worms are often symbolic of aspects of self that the dreamer prefers not to look at, those aspects that feed on negativity; low self-esteem or self-worth, judgementalism, etc. They often indicate a lack of awareness in the dreamer as well. The message when seen in dreams is often to ”recognize your inner beauty” in a true way.
Reply By Sowelu – Hi Spacecowgirl! Well, worms are often symbolic of aspects of self that the dreamer prefers not to look at, those aspects that feed on negativity; low self-esteem or self-worth, judgementalism, etc. They often indicate a lack of awareness in the dreamer as well. The message when seen in dreams is often to ”recognize your inner beauty” in a true way.
Beautiful Brunette
Dream By Jakey – I’ve asked everyone and no one can figure this one out. I’ve always been a frequent dreamer, about half of the dreams I remember have been lucid dreams. The “chased by a witch” and ”teeth falling out” dreams are fairly standard for me… but this one is new and it’s been bugging me.
The dream begins right in the middle of making love to a beautiful, warm, long-haired brunette (I usually date only blondes). It’s not just sex, but making love because all the emotions of love are there: trust, warmth, confidence, fulfillment, etc. She seems so familiar, but I’ve never met her. She has 3 freckles on the bridge of her nose.
The dream begins right in the middle of making love to a beautiful, warm, long-haired brunette (I usually date only blondes). It’s not just sex, but making love because all the emotions of love are there: trust, warmth, confidence, fulfillment, etc. She seems so familiar, but I’ve never met her. She has 3 freckles on the bridge of her nose.
Monday, 6 December 2010
I think there were arrows involved somewhere in the story line too if that helps… Actually, come to think of it now, the musketeer may have been hit by an arrow.. upper left shoulder I think. Any ideas?
Dream By Dreamwise – I need to know what this means in a dream – explosion(s)?
Reply By Sowelu - Explosion: Eruption of suppressed negative emotions in the dreamer; important to deal with your feelings in a constructive way. Verbalize, release emotions on a daily basis to avoid build-up. Sowelu
Reply By Sowelu - Explosion: Eruption of suppressed negative emotions in the dreamer; important to deal with your feelings in a constructive way. Verbalize, release emotions on a daily basis to avoid build-up. Sowelu
Dream By Mags – I had a dream in which a group of us (it looked like my parents, me, my dog, and some friends) were in a house and a bear entered. Despite all of our efforts, the bear could not be locked up. Every time we got the bear outside, it kept coming back in. Every time we tried to lock it in a cellar or a room, it would get out.
We were trapped with the bear either way as it kept following us. The bear did not hurt us, and it eventually left us. It was a very unusual dream and I would be interested in knowing if it has something to do with a relationship I am in.
We were trapped with the bear either way as it kept following us. The bear did not hurt us, and it eventually left us. It was a very unusual dream and I would be interested in knowing if it has something to do with a relationship I am in.
Dream By Pammy – came here to ask about feet! I had 2 dreams last night that I was cleaning my feet! In the first one, I peeled a very thick layer of skin off my big right toe. whats that all about? Thanks Pammy
Reply By Sowelu – YAY! GREAT to see you again! Feet are symbolic of our grounding and balance, they’re vital to conducting energy and healing. In fact, washing feet in a dream indicates healing of some kind is occurring at the time of the dream. Recognize that our feet are what we “stand on” and how we ”walk our path”, so they can often symbolically point to our beliefs of a foundational nature when higlighted in a dream.
Reply By Sowelu – YAY! GREAT to see you again! Feet are symbolic of our grounding and balance, they’re vital to conducting energy and healing. In fact, washing feet in a dream indicates healing of some kind is occurring at the time of the dream. Recognize that our feet are what we “stand on” and how we ”walk our path”, so they can often symbolically point to our beliefs of a foundational nature when higlighted in a dream.
Brother & His Girlfriend
Dream By AJ – Short and sweet. No small little tid bits I can remember really. Fast forward to about five years in the future. My current girlfriend and I are married as is my brother and his.
My girfriend and I are visiting my brother and his girlfriend and they have a baby. The dream spans over two months and at the end of the two months (and the dream) I finally realize that my brother’s child is my nephew and I am the uncle and it shocked the hell out of me; like an epiphany of some sort.
My girfriend and I are visiting my brother and his girlfriend and they have a baby. The dream spans over two months and at the end of the two months (and the dream) I finally realize that my brother’s child is my nephew and I am the uncle and it shocked the hell out of me; like an epiphany of some sort.
Bacon & Eggs
Dream By Patrice – Hi, I had this dream that I was with my best friend from high school and we were lined up at a counter to order our lunch.It was a cafeteria type restaurant. I don’t recognize it in the dream. I was going to order bacon and eggs. This is my favorite breakfast in real life.
Then my grandmother appeared beside me in the line. She had her pink housecoat on. In real life she has passed away. I remember that my pants fell down and I was naked. I felt so embarrassed. I was trying to fix them but it was so difficult in the dream.
Then my grandmother appeared beside me in the line. She had her pink housecoat on. In real life she has passed away. I remember that my pants fell down and I was naked. I felt so embarrassed. I was trying to fix them but it was so difficult in the dream.
base chakra,
dream setting,
sacral chakra,
solarplexus chakra,
timeframe of dream
Having a Baby
Dream By Daisy – For the last little while I have been constantly dreaming about babies. I have dreamt about breastfeeding a baby.
Now last night I dreamt that I found out I was pregnant…and 2 weeks later I had the baby. I had no clothes or diapers for the baby..nothing. I remember saying something about there not being enough time for anyone to hold a baby shower for me. Although I had a baby I never physically got large from the pregnancy.
I remember a yellow snowsuit being involved in it too. My mother gave it to me, it was one I used to wear when I was a baby. Please help….why do I keep dreaming of having babies and holding them?
Now last night I dreamt that I found out I was pregnant…and 2 weeks later I had the baby. I had no clothes or diapers for the baby..nothing. I remember saying something about there not being enough time for anyone to hold a baby shower for me. Although I had a baby I never physically got large from the pregnancy.
I remember a yellow snowsuit being involved in it too. My mother gave it to me, it was one I used to wear when I was a baby. Please help….why do I keep dreaming of having babies and holding them?
Dream By Lolita – I often have small undetailed dreams such as: 1. I can only remember seeing a gold, squared shape key. 2. I see a wall rack, made of black metal and it is full of lit candles. It falls off the wall (in slow motion), breaking all the candle holders and causing a fire. Could these mean anything?
Reply by Sowelu – Hi Lolita!! You said ”I can only remember seeing a gold, squared shape key”.
Gold often indicates something Divinely bestowed, a treasure within. Key would symbolize an inner awareness that opens door to all truth, wisdom and knowledge.
Reply by Sowelu – Hi Lolita!! You said ”I can only remember seeing a gold, squared shape key”.
Gold often indicates something Divinely bestowed, a treasure within. Key would symbolize an inner awareness that opens door to all truth, wisdom and knowledge.
Gold Key
Dream By Lizzy – I come upon a long golden key hanging from the lowest branch of an enormous oak tree. The key is about 2′ long and attached to the branch with a gold chain. There are three large gems imbedded on the top part of the key. One is red, one is green, and one is blue. They are very deep colors.
The key itself is very ornate with lots of scroll work and intricate designs around these jewels. It is quite heavy and very valuable.
The key itself is very ornate with lots of scroll work and intricate designs around these jewels. It is quite heavy and very valuable.
Friday, 3 December 2010
Dead Father
Dream by Alice – My father has been deceased for nearly a year now. When he was living we spent a lot of time talking on the phone to one another, and I dreamed of him calling an old phone in my house that is no longer in use.
When I answered it was my dad he was telling me that it would all be ok when I asked if he was ok he just began laughing and replied I cant stop laughing. In my dream I tried to give my husband the phone and no one would speak to him but when I got the phone back my father was there still.
Is my dad trying to reach me through my dreams?
When I answered it was my dad he was telling me that it would all be ok when I asked if he was ok he just began laughing and replied I cant stop laughing. In my dream I tried to give my husband the phone and no one would speak to him but when I got the phone back my father was there still.
Is my dad trying to reach me through my dreams?
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Hippie Flower
Dream By Dany - In a dream I've had before, I was on the passenger side in the back of a car someone else was driving. I saw the car take a right to go under a freeway bridge, and everything seemed normal until I saw a dried-up field of (wheat?) to my left. At that point, I no longer seemed to be in a car.
I took a right a right and I ended up being in a strange place. There were concrete walls (with many faucets on them, which seemed to be scattered) on my left and right, and there were many people there too. I continued until I reached the end of that place, and I saw and opening on my left. There seemed to be an ocean or something there.
I took a right a right and I ended up being in a strange place. There were concrete walls (with many faucets on them, which seemed to be scattered) on my left and right, and there were many people there too. I continued until I reached the end of that place, and I saw and opening on my left. There seemed to be an ocean or something there.
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